Discoloration on a few leaves seeking guidance

Ahh there we go, it's got the EC value at the bottom of it. That measurement is universal so we'll just use that. They say give EC 1.6 from day 1. That's actually mental lol. I don't know how they get away with it. Pretty much every time any of us help someone out on here it's because they're following a manufacturer's feed. I know it sounds unlikely that me, a wee mongo jock that's never heard of those nutes knows more about how to use them than the company but sadly this is the world we live in. It's very frustrating. The advanced nutrients (AN) schedule is the only one I've ever seen that was anywhere close to acceptable.

Right anyway, where was I .
Yeah so, EC 1.6 is what most of us call near enough full strength for a pretty big plant. This is hydro, not soil. The nutes are much more readily available for uptake so we don't need much. I'd say just cut everything in half which will give you 0.8 and take it from there. That's about right for a plant that size.

The idea for us is just to follow the numbers on the sticks. pH goes down you bring it back up. If it goes up you bring it down. Same rule applies for the ec. You want to iether keep it steady or have it dropping just slightly from day to day. If it rises at all it means the mix is getting stronger. When that happens Nitrogen will start to take over and that can block out most other things to a degree. Keep it steady or dropping slightly and it means the plant has free will to absorb what it wants when it wants. It will also keep the pH as stable as it can be kept.
Gotta remember, roots have a certain level of intelligence. They know what the plant needs and specifically absorb ab or c as and when the plant needs it and leave the rest sitting in the Res.

If the bottoms start to turn yellow you up the a@b.
Tops go yellow it's usually iron which will be in a micro bottle.
Mids lose colour and go patchy or rust spots appear you up the calmag.
These rules only work though if the EC is stable or dropping. If it's rising then 1 thing can cause another which causes another and it gets confusing. Like that patchy leave. That's the start of mag Def so people will say give it calmag . but as your using mag you know it's not a deficit. It's caused by too much of something else blocking it out.
That all make sense mate?

That was the best explaination I've ever gotten haha thank you for your preciciseness. Like I said though how do I get the EC from us/cm
Eh? How can a gallon be different? It's 4546ml for us in the UK. Actually, That's gotta be us that fucked that one up. Who the hell decided that was a good way to measure things lol.
1 us gallon = 3.7l
1 uk gallon = 4.5l
according to my converter lol
Nice explanation there @Barney86. Good luck with your plant @Slothman
Here in Canada we are supposed to be metric but imperial is still used for a lot of stuff.
Interestingly one cc /ml of pure water at the temperature of maximum density around 4C, weighs almost exactly one gram. Thus a liter weighs almost exactly one kg. There's no named unit approximately the same as either gallon.. The next step up is a decaliter which I guarantee nobody will know wtf you mean if you ask for it at the gas station!
Nice explanation there @Barney86. Good luck with your plant @Slothman
Here in Canada we are supposed to be metric but imperial is still used for a lot of stuff.
Interestingly one cc /ml of pure water at the temperature of maximum density around 4C, weighs almost exactly one gram. Thus a liter weighs almost exactly one kg. There's no named unit approximately the same as either gallon.. The next step up is a decaliter which I guarantee nobody will know wtf you mean if you ask for it at the gas station!

A decaliter haha i've never heard anyone ever need to use that in the us. And that is very interesting about the weights of water at maximum density.
Oh aye, ehm.... Give me 3 hours till my light come back on and I'll go check mate.

Right on, I just got up and check the girls the ppm actually dropped from 800 to 700. last night i added ph adjusted water and cut the nutes in my res in half and check the ph and ppm it was 6.1 and ppm was 830, this morning it is 726 ppm and ph is 6.1 still so i think i got it under control thank you so much for opening my eyes to the sheer stupidity to the manufacturer's recommended dosages.
Eh? How can a gallon be different? It's 4546ml for us in the UK. Actually, That's gotta be us that fucked that one up. Who the hell decided that was a good way to measure things lol.

i have a question when reducing my nutes to half strength should i only reduce the bloom a and b or all of them because it says for poor water to only decrease the base nutes
i have a question when reducing my nutes to half strength should i only reduce the bloom a and b or all of them because it says for poor water to only decrease the base nutes
Half everything mate. The ratios of ABC etc are usually fairly sound . It's the volume that they over shot. Again, to get you to buy more lol.

Also, what does poor water mean?

There's 2 options really.

High ppm water usually means it's full of calcium, magnesium, iron and other various micro nutrients. If anything it would mean you'd have to up the a&b to combat this and would need less of the micro nutrients.

The other option is poor water means a low ppm.
Mine is 048ppm (0.98ec)straight from tap. Certainly wouldn't need to lower the base nutes for that.

Once again mate, stop listening to the nute company lol. They're only after your wallet.
Follow . . . Fuck... Just spotted your next message lol.
Thank you for listening to me mate!
I really wish more people would
Easy now you know how isn't it
Half everything mate. The ratios of ABC etc are usually fairly sound . It's the volume that they over shot. Again, to get you to buy more lol.

Also, what does poor water mean?

There's 2 options really.

High ppm water usually means it's full of calcium, magnesium, iron and other various micro nutrients. If anything it would mean you'd have to up the a&b to combat this and would need less of the micro nutrients.

The other option is poor water means a low ppm.
Mine is 048ppm (0.98ec)straight from tap. Certainly wouldn't need to lower the base nutes for that.

Once again mate, stop listening to the nute company lol. They're only after your wallet.
Follow . . . Fuck... Just spotted your next message lol.
Thank you for listening to me mate!
I really wish more people would
Easy now you know how isn't it

man places in the usa have 300 400 ppm from the tap your lucky to have basically pure water from your tap
man places in the usa have 300 400 ppm from the tap your lucky to have basically pure water from your tap
Not lucky mate, I pay a lot for that 48ppm water. More than you'll ever know. Thousands per year directly through taxes plus thousands per year elsewhere.
Go 100 miles south into England though and it's 200-400 in most places.
Politics though mate, not an appropriate topic so I'll stop there.and politely change the subject before I kick off and get myself banned lol.
Right on, I just got up and check the girls the ppm actually dropped from 800 to 700. last night i added ph adjusted water and cut the nutes in my res in half and check the ph and ppm it was 6.1 and ppm was 830, this morning it is 726 ppm and ph is 6.1 still so i think i got it under control thank you so much for opening my eyes to the sheer stupidity to the manufacturer's recommended dosages.
Just gotta say mate. I spent a fair while yesterday trying to explain this all to someone growing in soiless aswell. Different media but same issue,same fix. He's decided to up the dosage on everything anyway so I'll tag you in around 7-10 days and show you what would've happened lol.
Just gotta say mate. I spent a fair while yesterday trying to explain this all to someone growing in soiless aswell. Different media but same issue,same fix. He's decided to up the dosage on everything anyway so I'll tag you in around 7-10 days and show you what would've happened lol.

haha please do, In the 2 days since following your advice my plants never looked better because i had my ppm way off like you said. some people just aren't willing to listen and learn and that's why they'll fail completely before getting help.
Not lucky mate, I pay a lot for that 48ppm water. More than you'll ever know. Thousands per year directly through taxes plus thousands per year elsewhere.
Go 100 miles south into England though and it's 200-400 in most places.
Politics though mate, not an appropriate topic so I'll stop there.and politely change the subject before I kick off and get myself banned lol.

wait... so you can pay extra to get clean ass water if you want? or you just forced to pay into the system?

think of how much you save on a dollar a day on jugs

and i understand man i live in god ol usa.... but i get ya hah dont go getting banned!
wait... so you can pay extra to get clean ass water if you want? or you just forced to pay into the system?

think of how much you save on a dollar a day on jugs

and i understand man i live in god ol usa.... but i get ya hah dont go getting banned!
Nah were forced to pay it mate. Think the official number on the payslip isn't much, 700 a year or so but yeah, there's a lot more to it. Scottish water though, probably the cleanest in the world and it's unlimited. The experts reckon England will be buying it from us within 30 years. They've got hose pipe bans during summer already cos their supply of dirty water is that short. And then it enters politics land again lol.
I actually live fairly close to one of the water recycling plants so there's a good chance I'm drinking my own old, shitty toilet water but it's still the cleanest in the world lol.
lol wow i had no idea im from way across the globe almost usa is a whole different world man, couldnt get clean water like that from ANY state federal or municipal source lol.

but i just check and i noticed that mag def spreading... there's a few more leaves i've noticed starting to look like that one not bad yet but starting, so i added a small amount of mag cal, my ppm is still 600 or so
Yeah mate, if it's spreading now then it's time to up it. .Mind if the total ppm is dropping more than 10%ish over a day or 2 then up everything by like 20% to compensate. Keep your eyes open for yellow bits popping up aswell.
Takes a week or 2 of playing about to get the "ahah moment" but it'll come long before you do any damage that's not easily fixed. And after that it's plain sailing all the way bud.
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