Does anyone use an auto-PH adjuster?

John Whorfin

New Member
Just wondering how you like them, if they work or have a rep of over flowing the rez they are adjusting?
The rez you feed from- do you adjust the PH to what your plants feed at or higher to compensate PH faster?
Any advise on Mfg. or models would be much appreciated as will any input on use or negative issues from using one.
I'm using 10 gal tubs for rez's, just FYI.

Best Regards,
John Whorfin
Just wondering how you like them, if they work or have a rep of over flowing the rez they are adjusting?
The rez you feed from- do you adjust the PH to what your plants feed at or higher to compensate PH faster?
Any advise on Mfg. or models would be much appreciated as will any input on use or negative issues from using one.
I'm using 10 gal tubs for rez's, just FYI.

Best Regards,
John Whorfin
I do not use them and I dont know anyone here on 420 that uses them. I wouldnt want the addded things to go bad. I dont need to set my PH but once a week in a hydro system and I always Ph my nute water for my soil plants
Thanx bro for the response.
I'm new to Hydro, most of what I've read and been told I need to stay on top of my PH daily.
The time will come when I won't be able to check my grow everyday, maybe every other day at worst.
What is your doing that some others arent that you only have to set the PH once a week & walk away ?

I think WheeloFortune has one - look for some of his journals in the Completed Journals forum.
Thanx bro for the response.
I'm new to Hydro, most of what I've read and been told I need to stay on top of my PH daily.
The time will come when I won't be able to check my grow everyday, maybe every other day at worst.
What is your doing that some others arent that you only have to set the PH once a week & walk away ?

my systems have been used extensively and are extremely stable...I can predict my ph within a tenth of a point on any given day. the biggest contributing factor is having enough resovoir size...they are resistant to PH and PPM fluctuation.
my systems have been used extensively and are extremely stable...I can predict my ph within a tenth of a point on any given day. the biggest contributing factor is having enough resovoir size...they are resistant to PH and PPM fluctuation.

Thats a voice of expierance, I've only been growing in soil for 2 years just did the switch, thanx.

Whats up with the bold text, is that anything like writing in caps?

John Whorfin
I agree with Pit. I actually double the size of my reservoirs water. If I want 5 gallons, all I use is a 10 gallon res. I actually never have to PH anything. I don't even own a PH meter and have been growing great medicine for years. One thing I do is keep a strict feeding program and strict flush program. Track everything you do is my motto!!
my systems have been used extensively and are extremely stable...I can predict my ph within a tenth of a point on any given day. the biggest contributing factor is having enough resovoir size...they are resistant to PH and PPM fluctuation.

thats just me...

And a lot of other people as well, lol.;)

Being able to predict what your pH should be is important and it is one of the ways of quickly seeing a developing problem (such as unwanted microbial life when it tanks).

If you decide to go with a pH-controller, try to get one that allows you to set a range instead of a point.
are there even ph controllers that work with a 10 gallon rez? I thought they were for much larger operations...
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