Does this look like it's burnt from the light?

This is what to much lite will do to your young ones. Leaves get dark spots and it looks like some bubbling on them.


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Ph of tap water, from the well was 5.7 adding nutes brought it to 6.4. Originally I was using distilled water, then went to well water because the distilled has no minerals in it. Maybe it was a mistake changing water sources.
Ph up and down comes today. Think adding epsom salf will help?
no... preload too much magnesium into the soil and you will lock out iron... very little epsom salt is needed in a grow, if any. I recommend it only in emergency cases and then in tiny amounts.
Yes but I have watered with well water and it's reading 5. 9 and distilled is reading 6.8
distilled is not need in this type of grow and it is very hard to pH adjust. The well water is fine and would work outside in the garden just fine, but in a container it needs to be adjusted to 6.3 also, or you simply lock out any nutes that were left behind in the soil, waiting for moisture to get reactivated for a second shot at being taken up into the plant.
First of all, the progression of problem seems to have slowed since the last feeding.

Now i try to fix things

Tap water (from a well) ph'd at 8.0, so I lowered it down to 6.5

Previous nute mix was 5.8 so i raised it to 6.5

New nute mix is 6.5

Everything is sitting around 6.5

now we wait and see.
So I have about 30 days of flowing and LST is going great. But now they are getting so bushy I have run out of room to tie more branches down on 2 of the 4 plants. I know people discourage pruning. So should I just let nature run its course or prune and make room for all the new growth. The plants are only 5 to 6 inches tall
You are in bloom now, so it is time to stop stressing the plant or you run the risk of them getting touchy about it. LST and pruning is for when they are in veg and can adapt to what you do... here in flower they are likely to react to that sort of treatment... and you don't want that.
The Proper Way to Water a Potted Plant (in soil) - STICKY
Emmie's Links, Journals and Tutorials

Berry-D'licious No AACT Organic - Grow Journal
Pineapple Chunk Mega Crop Test - Grow Journal
just some update pics


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