Dont try to climb the wall


New Member
I wrote this last night when i woke up at like 4 in the morning

Break the silence
but dont make any noise
remember we are nothing but gods toys
theres no such thing as choice
come on
become one of the big boys
but dont forget you have no voice
become lost in all of it
you have no say
you have no face
its the never ending chase
dont try to catch them
cause they've already won
dont try to win
cause they won before u even begun
dont forget you already lost son
give up hope
and dont even try
cause they own you now
no escaping
trapped forever
just say goodbye
forget never say never
nothings possible anymore
lifes not just a chore
its a state of being
hopless ansd forgotten is the life you will start seeing
your not dreaming
this is real
dont try to chill
you are here
this happening
your wont escape
your chained
your trapped
give up now
dont even try to pick the lock
just sit there
as the clock goes tick tock
dont climb the wall
cause you will just fall
sit in the corner
wonder what can i do for her
dont worry you will never be good enough
but you will try and forver remained cuffed
shut out and blocked off
and guess what
you'll never be better off
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