Drug test to come


New Member
Hello, I'm very new here, and very nervous..

I'm not a big smoker, over the summer, I went to visit with my roomy's family members and for a straight week we smoked and got wasted, it was an awesome summer. At one point I even had a freak out. It was a fun party experience :p .

What does this come up too? Well, here I am about 3 months later, I havn't smoked since and I'm looking at joining the military. I've had jobs inbetween and have been able to pass piss and saliva tests. However, after doing some research on what kind of testing the military does, I came across a page that they do hair tests. I havn't had any detox prior too that week straight smoke session and I was wondering on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad this is looking and what i could do to help the process. I've been looking into hair detox, but after continuously being sent over here and seeing all the unfortunate reviews of failing I've decided against it until told other wise.
First, lets cover the use aspect. If you had "experimental use" of MJ , that is not an issue. I would discourage you from lying about having used it. I held a Top Secret SCI clearance and had admitted to pre-service MJ use. Any lies you tell your recruiter will have to be retold for the rest of your service time. Any use less than 50 times can typically be waived at the local level (each service will have their own criteria). If you tell your recruiter that you had used a total of say 10 times, and the last time was over a year ago, then you should be fine. Recruiters expect that every applicant they talk to has used MJ at least once. If you say you've never used, then they think you are hiding something else (unless you're the straight-laced Mormon kid returning from mission, and even then...).

I am not aware of them using hair tests at this time. When you go to MEPS they will give you a urinalysis. The DoD processes 100,000+ applicants a year, hair tests would be cost prohibitive. Unless policy has changed in the past couple years, they are still using UA testing.

If you meet the rest of the enlistment criteria, and have high test scores on the ASVAB and the initial PFT you should have nothing to worry about.

Best of luck.
Just tell them you are training for a triathlon and had to remove all of your hair to gain the competitive edge.

or a porn actor.....
..... Or you wanted to get some really close-up pics of the last space shuttle launch (at the risk of destroying any chance I have of ever getting a date again, once they see my skimpy PotChimp-like physique my triathalon contestant story is going straight down the crapper and when they get a closer look there goes my porn actor story too).
Um, might want to skip the space shuttle excuse. I tried it the other day and as you can see in the pic below, it doesn't do a very thorough job removing hair.....
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