Dying Leaves


Well-Known Member
Help I’m new and having some problems. About a week ago I noticed spots on lower leaves. I thought maybe a nutrient deficiency so I fed them some fox farm Tiger Bloom and Golden Tree which in turn caused tips to burn. I then flushed and changed some soil out. That seems to have stopped and the other problem has slowed down. They don’t appear to be getting any worse at this point but still don’t know what the problem was. Any advice would be appreciated. I did just switch to flower when it started. I’m growing under LED inside a grow tent. I can take more pics if needed


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Couple things here. The spot on the 3rd pic looks like calmag deficiency, there is some slight clawing from maybe a nitrogen toxicity but the first pic's discoloration looks like a ph imbalance. I would say ph is probably your most likely culprit since you are seeing a variety of symptoms. If its not getting worse you might be good after that flush but definitely need to keep an eye on it.
I thought that also so decided to use peat moss in the new mix to help ph. I also completely forgot about the pest issue. I noticed a couple I think spider mites so I got some neem oil spray from Lowe's and may have sprayed too much. I have read that it shouldn't the plant but problems started the next day. I did use a lot I wanted to make sure I got all pests. I probably should have done one thing at a time but I just didn't want them to get worse so I covered as many bases as I could. From adding nutes in the beginning to flushing them and adding peat moss to the soil. Hoping they are on road to recovery but watching closely it's mostly about the knowing where I screwed up so I can learn from it. This is my very first grow though I've wanted to for years it really is a magnificent plant. Thank you for your feedback if you think of anything please let me know. I know the tips are nutrient burn. The main thing is what caused the blotchy patches on lower leaves right after I sprayed neem oil. Is it coincidence or did I use too much or is it something completely different?
That's what I have read a lot the part that was throwing me off was why the lower leaves rather than top closest too light. I thought maybe because more dripped on the bottom from the top would that be a reason? I was leaning toward deficiency or ph. It's only on lower older leaves and only on a few here and there. I have clipped several bad ones so new can grow. I also read that when switched to flowering they need more phosphorus but they only been switched for a couple of days. So ruled out neem oil as everything I have read says it wouldn't hurt even drenched. Would they need a change in nutrients that soon into flowering? Is Fox Farm nutes a good choice? I have been nervous about giving anything extra other than golden tree and kelp but I have read that using nutes can improve growth. If it was even a nutrient problem. If I need to add what should I use?
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