EC And PPM Test


New Member
what would be a good EC and PPM for growing in coco?
I use canna A And B Coco and just tested my flower mix which went to the end of the chart 3.2 my plants seem to take the mix fine just a nice dark green leafs. but still only getting 2oz per plant.

Is less feed more yield? or more feed bigger yield??

Any comments please

More feed usually means more yield. I dkt check my ec or ppm so i dont have any advice for u on that. U obviously dont w nt to over feed but udo want the plant to get maximum nute intake. Make sure ur ph is in spec n u shoild be fine. Dark green leafs is a sign of to much nitrogen. Yield depends on a lot of factors; light, space, plant size (before flower), temps, etc. consider all of ur growing conditions and adjust if u want more yield.
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