Emergency 911


New Member
Can anyone help me!!! I have a huge job interview tommorow and they perform an in office piss test!!!! Anyway around this or a tip on the best way to pass would be greatly appriciated!!

P.S. Damn I'm screwed :grinjoint:
Get someone to piss in a small bottle or something for you and smuggle that shit in!

... other then that.... i dunno.... prolly cuz im blazed as fuck! :bong:
i used to know this 'concoction' drink mix that you could make that a friend learned in prison..but forgot it...lol....drink lots of water, run your ass off today, drink some cranberry juice...go through all the myths...lol...or go to a vitamin shoppe and get a flush pill...either or, hope you pass. if not, fuck it...who wants to work anyway?
I was thinking of different ways around this, so I took my own advice and went up stairs and took some wicked bong hits.
^^ what they said.

lol I remember that old show rescue 911 or emergency 911..........I saw one were a kid fell with a toothbrush in his mouth and it got lodged into his throat. (he survived)

Looking back, this show sucked.
Hash said:
^^ what they said.

lol I remember that old show rescue 911 or emergency 911..........I saw one were a kid fell with a toothbrush in his mouth and it got lodged into his throat. (he survived)

Looking back, this show sucked.

hahahahhah, completely on topic...good job...buwhaha...that was good. :Rasta: :Rasta:
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