End prohibition! Please read!


New Member
The war on drugs is a resounding failure!
Think about it for a minute you have come here to an internet message board to learn about something that your regular life has not prepared you for. You have come here to gain knowledge on a subject that many consider taboo, but how unfortunate is that, especially when many who choose to use this substance are in fact using it to relieve some type of ailment in their life.
I could be considered a medical marijuana user...
That is if the state that I lived in recognized the ability for cannabis to be used in a medicinal sense. I could also be a medical cannabis user if I felt the strong enough need to justify my drug use to the outside world by receiving a third parties recommendation and or validation for my actions. However I am a very well educated responsible adult who does not feel as though my actions need permission or justification by anyone. I have taken the time to educate myself and I take full responsibilities for my actions, I just wish I did not have to live in fear of persecution for simply trying to live a more comfortable, happy and pain free life. I am tired of having to deal with the unfairness and injustice of this situation as are many others.
Maybe you are too?
Please take three minutes out of your busy day to do one simple thing watch the video that I have posted on YouTube on the link below. This video is not for or about me it is for all of us; it is for every person who suffers through the injustice and ignorance that is prohibition.
Unfortunately I do not think that some silly video posted on the internet is really going to end the war on drugs or have any real political impact. However I do believe is that there is a tiny percentage of a chance that if I post this in enough places in one day that enough people will see this video to get it on the front page of YouTube, if it gets there and stays there, it could be another chance for it to gain more publicity and possibly make it into main stream media. I do believe that legalizing cannabis is enough of a hot political topic for this to gain a little momentum and possible be the tipping point for what could be a monumental change.
Please for your freedom, for my freedom, for the lives of your children and grandchildren lets all get together, if only for a day and only a few minutes to speak out in favor of positive change for the betterment of all humanity.
Thank you!
People Take Power - YouTube
Re: End prohibition!!! Please read!

Thank you!
I agree!
But this issue is not limited to cannabis users, it genuinley effects everyone. This is one simple thing i can do to move us closer to legalization please share this with everyone and lets make a difference!
Let us not forget the core philosophical conundrum behind marijuana prohibition. The idea that a group (government) has more rights than the individuals from which it has been delegated its rights is completely absurd!

If I do Not have the right to Force you to stop smoking pot then I can not give that right to any government.

Please watch these for a detailed explanation... entertaining and highly informative concepts are contained even an 8 year old could understand that marijuana prohibition is a complete coup against the Freedom of all American People.
-DVD Version: P1. The Nature and Origin of Human Rights - YouTube

-DVD Version: P2. Group Supremacy - YouTube

-DVD Version: P3. Coercion vs Freedom - YouTube

-DVD Version: P4. Equality and Inequality under Law - YouTube

P5. Proper role of Government - YouTube

Vote for Ron Paul and Legalize Freedom!
What I cant seem to understand is with the thousands of sites and organizations out there that are totally dedicated to ending prohibition on marijuana, why is it that they cant seem to hear us? :hmmmm:

Think about it, what other drug in the whole world, has so many people dedicated to seeing it legalized? NONE!!!

My best guess is that they have so much money stuffed in their ears and giant greed blinders over their eyes, given to them by alcohol, tobacco and big pharma, that they are willing to just let us suffer and die, and the more we threaten thier grip on us, the more Nazi law enforcment agents they send in to sweep and clear the area!!!

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed in the past 10 yrs or so, how we have gone from just having standard traffic cops in blue, to having fatugue clad, millitary issue crue cut having, machine gun toating, terror tactic using nazi's claiming to be protecting and serving this nation? Do they really believe mj users are out setting up ambush points and IED's like terrorest's?

I feel like we are being hunted down like europian jews in the 1930's and 40's, up to and including the murder of innocent people...make no mistake about it, they will shoot you down in your own living room, in front of your kids first and ask questions later, they don't care about your freedom and this country has been sold to the highest bidder!!!


:420: My Friends, please join us in the action forums, we need your help/input!!!
I am so happy that a couple of you are getting this!!!
you know the state of things makes me sick, you guys pointed out that there are so many organizations and web sites not just dedicated to ending prohibition but speaking out about whats wrong and provididng real information to counter the misinformation that has been shoved down our thoats our entire lives!

this video, my web site everything has nothing to do with me or me doing something about this situation. I live this life, i do this every day, to me cannabis is a beautiful medicine that helps me in ways nothing eles does, i hurt and people dont know and or dont care, but those same people can walk into any cvs and get there rx filled pay $5 copay and be on there way, no one trying to kidnap them shoot them or steal their freedom. all i want is the freedom to not be persecuted, i want the freedom to share my healthy choices with others interested in impoving there own life and not simply getting bandaid fixes!

I have been a member of drug related internet sites for more than 10 years, i read and look at various sites but what brought me online was bodybuilding, another comunity of good people who are hurt by prohibition, this is not just about cannabis, cannabis is the easiest and most socially acceptable drug to start with and so much has been in main stream medai about it. However to me it is ridiculus that we even have to have this conversation, at this pointmore than half of our country has tried smoking pot, the reality that it is a safe and pretty much harmless substance is more than clear yet we allow the government to lie about this, and continue to arrest good hard working people who do no harm. truely sickening.

i posted this all over the internet, maybe 40 different boards, a little more than 300 people have taken the time to watch the video. maybe around 100,000 people have had the chance to watch it, yet they just dont... i dont understand that, who takes time out of there busy day to learn or read about drugs yet has no interest in keeping themself out of jail, and even worse not paying for there own persecution and the persecution of friends, family and those they might reley on even to get the drug they are interested in.

i just hate seeing things that are wrong, yes this is an attempt to corect it, but i can not force people to try and do things right, i can not force someone interested in loosing wieght to eat right or exercise right i cant force anyone to do anything they dont want. the problem is everyone says they want this yet do nothing for it, just like people who say they want to loose weight or gain muscle or quit smoking, people just seem like they want to talk all this ish and do no work to make it happen.

as it pretains to the video, it isnt even work, just a couple of mouse clicks and maybe have a talk with someone close to you about an important issue in your life, is that really so much?

thank you to everyone who cares, i will continue to do what i do every day, i hope you will too, inspite of what is against us.

if we would all just look past our differences we would see that our happyness is all the smae and working together we might have a chance at taking steps closer to it, instead we just fight over stupid details...
I like this guy, he speaks my language :nicethread::welldone:

Here, hear. As a whole Americans no longer trust our government. This coming election cycle we will see something interesting. We need less governance from D.C. and more states taking care of "their own". Mandates have made us overly dependent on a governing body that has very little interest in putting people before power. States keeping their own taxes to pave roads etc, is way better than giving it to a governing body that has no idea how to stop spending.I think its high time to bite the hand that feeds us, jump the fence and come back with a pack and run them out!
I love my country, but it's an abusive relationship. I tell her I love her, and then she kicks me in the nuts. I should call the cops but she's related to the judge.:peace:
I like this guy, he speaks my language :nicethread::welldone:

Here, hear. As a whole Americans no longer trust our government. This coming election cycle we will see something interesting. We need less governance from D.C. and more states taking care of "their own". Mandates have made us overly dependent on a governing body that has very little interest in putting people before power. States keeping their own taxes to pave roads etc, is way better than giving it to a governing body that has no idea how to stop spending. Not allowing the people to choose the medicine they take is an affront to our individual rights and intelligence. Its high time to bite the hand that feeds us, jump the fence and come back with a pack and run them out!
I love my country, but it's an abusive relationship. I tell her I love her, and then she kicks me in the nuts ,takes all my money and sleeps with my neighbor. I should call the cops but she's related to the judge.:peace:
I love my country, but it's an abusive relationship. I tell her I love her, and then she kicks me in the nuts ,takes all my money and sleeps with my neighbor. I should call the cops but she's related to the judge.:peace:

:thumb: I love it...can you say, nanny-state? I loved the sign I saw that said "The Government Is Not My Mommy"
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