Ferts for Bud Growth


New Member
What are the best organic non-chemical fertilizers that I can start feeding my plant to encourage bud growth? Right now its still in veg and will be for another few weeks and I'm only feeding it plain water but I want to start giving it nutrients during the budding cycle.
the monster bloom is something you mix in water right? and the bat guano mixes with the soil. It would be more convienient if I could mix it with the water.
yeah with bat guano you put a layer above the soil. or you can make a guano tea. if you order online check out iguana juice bloom from advanced nutrients.
is there anything I can buy at a garden store?
look for a hydro shop near you. they will have liquid as well as solid guano. get some carbo load or similar product youll see it look for all sorts of bloom enhansers and pic one.
k thanks, I'm going to go shop around today.
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