Final Tally: Mendocino Voters Repeal Pot Guidelines

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
A final tally shows that voters on June 3 repealed Mendocino County’s liberal marijuana guidelines.

“Measure B passed,” Mendocino County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder Sue Ranochak announced Friday after absentee ballots were tabulated.

Measure B won with 52 percent of the vote, the same margin by which it was leading on election night.

In the final tally, there were 14,577 votes in favor of Measure B and 13,369 noes.

Almost 60 percent — 28,192 — of Mendocino County’s 47,040 registered voters cast ballots in the election. And most of those, 27,946, cast votes on Measure B.

Ranochack said she was not surprised that the final vote did not much change from the initial count.

“Traditionally they don’t. But you never know,” she said.

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Website: Final tally: Mendocino voters repeal pot guidelines
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