First Grow - Converted Portable Closet

Glad to hear you are still with us and got clear of that infection :)

Having spent most of my life working construction and having to wear work boots, my feet are to tender to do much bare foot. Just going out to the pool on our gravel driveway I look like a cat on a hot tin roof LOL

Little ones are fun but a lot of work, I am long past infants in the house thankfully LOL Next infant in this house will be grand children and I can send them home spoiled LOL

Just a note for your seedlings. You may not be able to get them this time of year but Home Hardware carries a line of products by Planters Pride. I buy their coco cups, come in 2,3 and 4" if memory serves, and they make great pots for seedlings and young clones and are cheap. $0.99 for a dozen 2" ones. They breathe like an air pot, are near impossible to over water, and allow awesome root development. Once the roots are exploding out the sides of the cup, you plant cup and all into a larger pot, no transplanting stress :)

The plants are looking good mate :)
Unless I'm going out I'm usually barefoot lol my wife gets on my case about it and I guess I just gave her all the ammunition she needed haha time to start wearing slippers inside... lol

Yeah she can be a handful but shes worth all of it :) I've always wanted a bunch of kids; we'll see if that's even possible financially in this day and age.

I still feel like tempature is a problem (at the moment I HAVE to water everyday or else the soil drys up and the plants wilt) which is probably why the seedlings were dying in the jiffy pots. Im thinking I'll add plexiglass right under the lights to keep the heat away and exhaust it out so the chamber is cooler. I feel like if its already too hot in the veg chamber, how bad will it be in the flower chamber with the extra lights. Once the tempature is in check I'll look into the coco cups!

Looking forward to force flower so I can sexe these things lol patience is a virtue they say... lol
Not sure which ProMix you will be using, but if it is a grow media as opposed to a base media, you probably won't need much. Maybe mix in some worm castings if you can get them and ground egg shell. If you can get some diatomaceous earth, mix some of that in, it will help grow stronger stems :)
I'll have to check when I get home to see what I have exactly. I thought I grabbed an organic grow media but after looking at their website im not sure anymore, i may just have the potting mix. Ill have to see where i can get worm castings and such, Im accross the river from ottawa, there must be somewhere in the city I can find what i need lol
I found a guy selling pure worm castings at 5$/lb so ill pick some of that up. I looked around and saw that home hardware has some diatomaceous earth, everywhere else only seemed to have a "ant killer" product that has it in it but I feel unsure about what else it may contain. For the griund eggshell, I can't seem to really find some online at least, I guess I could just ground my own? I feel like that would mean eating a lot of eggs haha
Not sure about exact ratios, I tend to be someone who just throws in a bit of this and a bit of that LOL Off the top of my head, 1/2 to 1 cup of worm castings, 1/8 to 1/4 cup of DE per gallon of soil.

As for egg shells, I have a couple of Costco coffee cans under the sink. I throw egg shells in one and used grounds in the other. When I get a can full of shells, I grind them in a food processor and set aside for amending my soil. I use the used coffee grounds for soil amendment as well :) As well as using for soil amendment, I set up a worm bin last spring and will throw ground shell and used coffee grounds in with the worms once in a while as well :)
(had a bad wound on my heel I couldnt walk on; had to soak 3 times a day, put a special ointment 3 times a day and take 4 antibiotic pills a day) I haven't taken the time to visit the board. Now the infection is all gone and the wound is pretty well healed up so here I am! Haha
While fishin this summer A spider bit me on my heel and i was in the hospital on IV antibx for a couple days. I never felt the bite. After that i sprayed my entire house for spiders. just shootin tha shit with ya. looking good in here too! :thumb:
While fishin this summer A spider bit me on my heal and i was in the hospital on IV antibx for a couple days. I never felt the bite. After that i sprayed my entire house for spiders. just shootin tha shit with ya. Later. Oh yea, looking good in here too! :thumb:

Yeah, I was just about there. Doc said that if I hadnt come in when I did that I wouldve had to do the IV route. Im glad it didnt come to that.
LOL I don't mind Mate

Any vegetable/fruit matter from the kitchen is acceptable. Spoiled lettuce, apples etc peelings, coffee grounds, egg shells. Just avoid meats, dairy products and anything that would be acidic like orange, lemon, onions etc. If its something that the juice would sting your eyes, don't feed it to your worms, compost it instead and don't put any animal products in either your compost or worm bin, aside from dried egg shells :)
I do both with egg shells, they give the worms some grit to help them process the other stuff I give them :) the coffee grounds can be used for both as well but I just save them to put into the soil, the worms get enough other food they don't need my grounds LOL
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