First grow, my two ladies look poor any ideas?


New Member
Hello newbie here,

First time grower.

History; I have grown a salsa garden, tomatos, peppers and the like for many years. Currently, growing in a 24' x 12' High Tunnel.
Currently, set up an indoor grow, 2 spaces each is 4'x4'x8', 1 - veg and the other bloom. Started with 2 OG Kush clones which grew fast like 1 inch or better a week since November 1. This week leaves started to curl (claw), droop and the new growth has slowed to a crawl.
Grow medium: equal parts, peat moss, commercial compost, MG potting soil (I know, MG will not be used in the future) and about 10% Pearlite.
Feed: Alaska, FF and Liquid Kelp and added 1 tsp. Epson salt and dolomite lime as a top dressing to raise the PH. Included the nutes about every other or third watering.
PH of drainage was about 5 or a little less so I top dressed the lime and watered it in, drainage came up to about 5.5 or 6. I will keep an eye on the drainage PH and slowly raise it to about 6.5 or so. I have tried to flush the medium with rain water but it is too early to tell if it has helped, flushed yesterday. I am hopping that this is just a cast of nute lockout, any ideas?
:welcome: to :420:

I see three issues based on the above photos, N abundance, Nutrient burn/lockout, possible overwatering. You seem to have a handle on the pH issue and that can cause the nutrient burn/lockout as you said. The dark green clawing leaves is indicative of N abundance so you might want to cut back on the nutes, say 1/2 of what you were using and see how they respond. In general the plants look overwatered and I know you just performed a flush so I'd wait at least a few days and don't give them any food or water and see if they start to respond.
In order to properly flush your medium you need to flush with at least twice the volume of pH adjusted water as pot size or until the runoff pH is the same as the input pH. I would wait a few days until the pots dries out and see how the plant improves. Without knowing how many millilitres per gallon and of what you are feeding to your plant I can not give you a recommendation. Your leaf damage and nutrient burn may be from a pH nutrient lockout.

here is a nutrient availability chart


here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
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