first time drying!


New Member
I have one plant drying upside down in a room at 60 degrees and only 20% humidity at the most. The buds feel dry but the stem doesnt make a snapping noise just yet but I figure they will be done in a day or two.

Would only drying for a 5 days be bad? I plan on putting the dried buds in a glass jar for 2 weeks to cure.

Are these the correct conditions for this proscess?
I put mine in into jars when the buds are dry and stems still bend. I wait 24 hours then open the jars and inspect the buds. They should be somewhat moist again. I then put in a loosely covered cardboard box for 12-24 hours. Then into the jars for long term cure.
That is an interesting technique you have there McBudz, going into jars>box>jars. What does that do? I'm about to manicure and jar later today and would like to know why you threw a box into the mix. Should I be looking for a box now?
That is an interesting technique you have there McBudz, going into jars>box>jars. What does that do? I'm about to manicure and jar later today and would like to know why you threw a box into the mix. Should I be looking for a box now?
That allows the moisture still in the plant mattter to be released as gasses and for the cure process to begin. Drying is one step that leads into curing. Curing increases potency and smokeability. The smoothest bud I ever smoked was some 2 year old blueberry. It was cured to perfection and got me so ripped i was seeing
Two year Blueberry?! I've heard of a fine wine but as far as buds go, that takes the cake. I think the only way I would come across nugs that old is if I were to forget about a jar. lol.

I'm familiar with curing and what that does, but going from a jar, then into a box, and back into the jar again, I've never heard of anyone doing that. Does that just make the transition smoother from the dryer to the jar then? Do you do that too Racefan?
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