First Time Grower


New Member
Hey everybody,

Im a first time grower and i need some information on the type of set-up and equipment i would need to grow 6-12 plants in a closet thats walk-in size. Is there a certain set-up i.e hydroponically or any other way that would maximize the space i have. What equipment would i need for this first time project and where can i go to find this equipment.

Thanx in advance for the feedback
there are different set-ups, hydroponics, aerophonics soil etc. for your first grow go with soil, alot easier just in the middle of my first hydro and its harder for sure. for that many plants you might want to get some nice lights may be 400/1000watt hps(high pressure sodium) or mh (metal halide) and some ballast's for the lightbulb, some fans for exhausting/circulating and bringing in air. some mylars to cover walls(like tinfoil, but works way better) some 5g pails for your all you need is some good soil, ferts and nutrients, oh yeah some seeds or clones to start off. read MV or SmokeyMacPot's grow journals. Peace!
^^^ thanks man i appreciate your insight

EDIT: Can't Find the grow journals.... can you give me a link to em?

what type of nutrients and soil??
anybody know of a good site to order grow equipment from???
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