First time with pics, boys or girls?

Hey, you do what you can. LOL The long fuzzy things might just be new plant growth. If they don't show sex soon though (which I personally dought they will), you're gonna have to consider low stress training to keep them hidden and below the top of your fence.
Your plands look great!! I just hope they dont get to tall...

To me it looks like they are well hiden but can they be seen form your house? I am just thinking about the electric meter reader...
totally hidden, should I cut the top after they get about 6 branches high and then trim leaves on the side or leave alone...I am worried that they will get so tall that they may fall over....
you can always support them with bamboo sticks or something sturdy that u can tie to the trunk of the plant so that you give it some extra support
frogger said:
totally hidden, should I cut the top after they get about 6 branches high and then trim leaves on the side or leave alone...I am worried that they will get so tall that they may fall over....
Serpico gave some great advice there ^^^. Personally, I would cut and trim as little as possible. Do some reading on LST (low stress training). This basically entails tieing the plants main stem down so the lower branches get light. It promotes a shorter plant and bigger bud sites lower on the plant. Do a search for it. If you can't find any adequate information, I'm sure Urdedpal can direct you to a good post.
I will do that!! low stress training, wish I could have had a book like that for my kids!! I think that is part of the reason I smoke, hee hee, low stress Mommy!!

They are getting pretty tall and top heavy...going to have to transplant three new ones from my closet (coming out finally and feels good)

Got to start working out again!! Yucch!! Anyone work out while high? I tried it once but it made the workout seem like it lasted forever!!!!!
frogger said:
I will do that!! low stress training, wish I could have had a book like that for my kids!! I think that is part of the reason I smoke, hee hee, low stress Mommy!!

Got to start working out again!! Yucch!! Anyone work out while high? I tried it once but it made the workout seem like it lasted forever!!!!!

Methinks you already got the answer for the book for the're growin it. :p heh.

Yeah, I've worked out stoned b4, and yeah, it takes FOREVER! OMG! BUT! That's like aerobic or resistance.

Yoga stoned, though... Now THAT is cool, esp if you get a cd that talks you through visualizations for the exercises. Except when you do learn the tree one, don't think tree...think MJ.. LOL.

Hey! then you could write "Herbal Yoga: A Gude to Motherhood and Low Stress Training". /silly red-eyed grin
Come to think of it, it was aerobic!! DUH, why didn't I think of that, Yoga High sounds awesome!! Light some incense too maybe! I have one of those cool sound machines that sounds like the ocean, LOVE it!! I am waiting to see if my firecracker kicks in...took it at 9:10....waiting :)
vintner said:
Hey, you do what you can. LOL The long fuzzy things might just be new plant growth. If they don't show sex soon though (which I personally dought they will), you're gonna have to consider low stress training to keep them hidden and below the top of your fence.

Greetings from the left coast! Good point Vintner, never grew outside myself, I been thinking along that Frogger was expecting an early delivery.

MJ, after all is said and done, is a weed ergo it grows practically anywhere on earth. Therefore tough enough! Think of mj as just another kid (with it's foot nailed to th' floor) one can wash it's face, tossel and cut it's hair......:bongrip:

Ok I'm better now! Back to th' suject. It's May harvest wouldn't be till the sun is back down towards the southern hemisphere so they wouldn't start showing till August or September would they?:hmmmm:
Ohhhh, now I get it, I keep reading about people having plants that produce in 4-8 weeks...duh!! Phew, I think I will stop messing with them now! You guys are the bomb!! I have 6 new growths in my closet right now, do you guys think it would be ok to throw them back there now, or is it too late? It stays hot here until about October, sometimes November...and this year is gonna be a hot one, we have already had temps over 100 and it is just May.

Sorry about the rambling...gonna walk the dogs and come back to vape!! Last day without the kids home, today "school is out for summer" Hope I don't owe any royalties on that quote!
I'm gonna, as soon as I can get these kids out of my hair :cheesygrinsmiley:

I sprayed some natural stuff my father in law made, think there is peppermint in it on them cause I saw some bugs on them...this made them really mad!! They turned a little brown and some of their leaves are curling...oops!! I sprayed them off with some water and now am hoping for the best...I still think the plant closest to me (the one up front in the pics) is a girl (maybe wishful thinking, but oh well)

Wish me luck with the other 6 I have in my closet, any advice as to how far to space these guys out, I had no idea they would be growing for so long before producing or that they would get soooo BIG!! Hee Hee (bigger the better, right?)

help...dying plants? cant get pic on here....
Help me out here guys..

Hey people.. I'm a long time smoker but a first time grower.. My little friend is still only quite small but what it lacks in size it makes up for in stentch.. I think itss still to early to determine the sex but i was just wondering if anyone had any tips for indoor growing early on it its life... Would it be better to grow outside, bearing in mind i live in england and the weathers shite..?
frogger said:
Just water??? Helppppppp

Use a good growing fert. fox farm big grow is what I use indoors and on wifey's garden.

the yellow is nitrogen def. brown tips I'd have to check faqs section here but I think it's magnesium def. just follw directions on bottle I'd use heavy fert 1sttime wait three or four days then every watering dose every week or so when needed.

Froggie you're over thinking it, it's a weed after all most Americans are trying to kill it, and the darn things just keep coming back:smokin:
Re: Help me out here guys..

Mr_S said:
Hey people.. I'm a long time smoker but a first time grower.. My little friend is still only quite small but what it lacks in size it makes up for in stentch.. I think itss still to early to determine the sex but i was just wondering if anyone had any tips for indoor growing early on it its life... Would it be better to grow outside, bearing in mind i live in england and the weathers shite..?

READ, read, read.

The subject is so convoluted that it'd be like trying to explain the history of the world in a few sentences. when one has read then it's time for spacific questions that may be answered in concise forum format.

Also you might want to start your own thread when asking, this old man get's confused trying figger out messages within messages, to say nothing of the person who started the thread, hope this helped!:cheesygrinsmiley:
if it was mag def. it would burn inbetween the veins of the leaves, it starts in the middle and works out. and for the first feed i would go 1/3 reccommended and move up from there. a heavy feeding would burn the plant.
Never mind everyone, I had to rip them out today, one of my kids found them and wondered why I had not picked that weed out of my beautiful backyard as well...great, back to the closet growing I guess...
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