Florida Smoker here...


New Member
Hello everybody!
Wanted to say hello and tell a little about myself....
I usually use marijuana for introspection, meditation, and creating a spirtual field around me, as i find it enhances all these. It also has turned me in the direction of the East and to India specifically, to learn and follow the teachings of the mystics and gurus who live in a higher state of consciousness then we are, even when high. Call it nirvana, bliss, or complete knowledge. Call them Saints, Masters, or Mystics. They are proof that it can be done naturally and we all have that capability. It is just that we as a people have been so dismantled, so disfunctionalized, so desensitized (from our spirit/soul) from what we were originally meant to be.
These drugs open the doorway... to the higher self, that supreme consciousness, we just have to go the rest of the way. Naturally. As of now, I keep opening the door, keep seeing the path, but I'm not going in. But... I am packing my bags.
Once I am through the doorway, I won't have any need for it anymore. Why would I want to come back to this world of illusion? I will be liberated and free in a garden that knows no autumn. Rhada Soami!
Anyway... hope thats not too heavy for anyone.....glad to be here, and would love to talk eastern philosophy with some of you sometime.

May all of you find that peace! Rhada Soami!
Welcome Babagadoush,
I'm from orlando fl. Don't talk about non-marijuana related narcotics on the forums please. It could attract the wrong kind of attention to the website.

Glad to have another toker on board. Good luck with your spiritual journey :)
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