Flowers dying. Bud rod or to late harvest?


420 Member
Hi, this is my 1 year old Jamaican Pearl.
This is the first cannabis plant I had ever grown so new to this.
1 week ago I started noticing that the buds turned dry and dark green. I didn’t fertilized for about 3 weeks. Not sure if this was the reason or if it is mold or rot. Haven’t noticed bugs or the milky white web common in mold infection.
Plant still looks healthy. Is it normal? Should I worry? Any recommendations?

Thats definitely not mold or bud rot.

Looks more like a virus spread from insects. Plants get them just like humans from biting insects.

Hows the soil? Not TOO wet or anything?? Sometimes it could be soggy soil that doesn't have enough aeration and then the bad bacteria (anaerobic) take over.

If its bad bacteria you should be able to smell it. Also if you water and the soil isn't drying out, thats not good either and a sign there's something amis in your soil.

Sorta looks like soil issue with over watering to me. Can transplant into new dryer soil is about the only cure for that.
Thats definitely not mold or bud rot.

Looks more like a virus spread from insects. Plants get them just like humans from biting insects.

Hows the soil? Not TOO wet or anything?? Sometimes it could be soggy soil that doesn't have enough aeration and then the bad bacteria (anaerobic) take over.

If its bad bacteria you should be able to smell it. Also if you water and the soil isn't drying out, thats not good either and a sign there's something amis in your soil.

Sorta looks like soil issue with over watering to me. Can transplant into new dryer soil is about the only cure for that.

Soild was completely mud. Change it already for a top crop soild. I think this will make her very happy. Thanks for the speedy reply!
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