Foliar spray & tea for foliar spray as well - In addition to soil feedings


New Member
Foliar spray (depending on what you are spraying on the leaves and maybe even more important, when), has been very controversial. I have changed my viewpoints on it multiple timds. I have been advised against using ewc tea's as a foliar spray (for logical reasons - don't you want those micronutrients in the soil)? But this link suggests otherwise. Take a look it's a good read and not very long. I didn't know our plants can absorb nutrients 10 times faster then roots! Crazy! But you have to do it when their "pores" are open and wetting sprays seem like a good idea.

The Secrets of Foliar Spraying

Let me know what you think about it!!!
I have a class of things rated as EDTA and are ONLY good for foliar feeding. if you dissolved them and watered the roots with them, the plant would only see/find the water.

I haven't messed with spraying teas on my plants, particularly teas which contain molasses, for instance. I'd also avoid chemicals including Epsom salts on the leaves, but that's me.

there seems to be two 'tricks' to foliar feeding. the first one is consistency. I'm horrible with that and spritz something on the leaves only every now and then. mostly that's calcium and/or micronutrients. my lazy ass thinks that something is better than nothing. I'm probably wrong about that, too.

the second thing about it is that you must add a bit of detergent to the spray to better coat the stoma/underside of the leaf. but the more important thing about this is that it makes it far easier to wash the plant between feedings. this is apparently important so that the stoma are unblocked as much as possible.

the plants breathe in and out through these pores. while there are studies which say that foliar feeding is far more efficient than traditional root feeding, I'm skeptical. but if you visit advanced nurseries, they will generally admit to feeding both the roots and the leaves. I'd have to conclude it works.

a typical schedule might look like this: Mon feed. Wed wash and feed, Fri repeat. rest.

but the major thing to remember is this is something which is OK to do during the vegetative stage. for reasons of mold, most people will tell you to stop once the plants begin to bloom. I've kept it up until 4 weeks into blooming with no ill effect, but that depends a lot on conditions. if unsure, stop once blooming begins.

may you have a bountiful harvest.
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