Force Flowering NYPD & WR Outdoors

Flowering day 20.

What's this LST business i keep hearing/reading?...It looks like simple "Tying down" with a new slang word?
I think it means "low stress training" as it is easier on the plants than most other ways to keep them short.

Well I know it's 2 updates in 1 day, but I can't resist.

I now officially got 30 centimeters from the tallest plant to the bloombox-roof and approx. 6 weeks to go:adore::

Just before blackout, as usual from left to right, BioHaze, NYPD, WR, small woodpots WR+NYPD and soilback BioHaze:


Flowering day 23.

Plant are looking good overall, and buds are starting fill the plants.
We had no sun and lots of rain the past couple of days.
I also have a few plant issues, for those who know more than me, please help if you've seen anything similar:
Here's a Biohaze top, no problems there,

Here's some of BioHaze lower leafs:

And a "Soilbag Biohaze" lower leaf:

This is a NYPD top:

But I really don't like what happens to the leafs on 2 of the 4 NYPD, they look kind of wet and soggy in the darker areas, these leafs will grow fungus if not removed?


The White Rhinos got the best looking tops so far,


But some of the WR tops are infected with something, can you help me?

Comments and help is greatly appreciated:circle-of-love:
Biohaze looks like a little bit of nute burn or possible zinc def to me IMO.

NYPD If the leaf is not yellow/white/dead then I really wouldn't mess with them. Slight curling could just be some stress on the plant which can be normal on outdoor plants IMO. If it's been raining a lot just keep an eye out for grey mold.

WRs I can't really tell but here's a link for you that should help you out a lot on the pest issues Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

As far as LST during flowering, I've done it all the way through. Only concern would be the plant might take a little longer to finish flowering.

Overall still looking really good my friend and I hope that link will help out with the pests.

Thanks Dekon my friend,
the soilbag could have had a slight nuteburn, as I fertilized them with the same water as the older plants.

I do get the grey rot you speak about, but after thinking about it, I'm 99% certain that it's caused by the last few days heavy rain combined with the nights in the almost airtight bloombox.
Today the sun is shinning and I hope everthing gets a bit drier around here.
I also thought about that I might need to to let in some fresh air into the flowerbox if I get up at night, all this work... and I still like it:cheer:
Flowering day 26.

I'm almost halfway through my grow, and all 18 plants are doing good.

This is a bunch of mixed pics. of the garden, unfortunately I forget which tops belonged to which strain.
Anyways... Enjoy.









2 White Rhino:

2 New york power diesel:

2 Biohaze:

You can see the roots coming out the side of this container:

This is all of them a couple of days ago:
Flowering day 30.

Halfway through update:
It's been raining a lot this week and the plants didn't get the sun they desrved.
Overall still looking fine. But I still got leafs randomly wilting and rotting on the NYPD's and don't know what to do about it.

Here they are:



And some roots:

Flowering day 35.

Bad news! I already got some budrot and a rotting leaves.
I blame this on 3 things;
1. Extreme amounts of rain.
2. Very low air-circulation in the bloombox.
3. No sun.

Well the sun is showing it's face today, I hope the rot will stop as it gets dryer and more sunny, if the rain continues I'm screvved...

But I do appreciate the TRF, as it's hard to water with all this rain:)

Leaves before they start to rot:





And now some of the good looking WR:






How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
The grow ended as a pain in the ass.
We had the 3. worst summer in more than 100 years.
I had lots of budrot and ended up with only a good 200 grams, but the trim will be used for bubblehash.
Both WR and NYPD are pretty potent, though it's hard to tell when used to smoke very good hash. The Biohaze seems weaker than the others, but still give an OK buzz.
Lessons learned:
Slow releasing fertilizer works fine, and really show their worth when it's raining a lot and you don't want to add any more water.

Homemade airpots works, but mine had a hard time to keep moist because of the large uncovered area (insectnet) exposed to the air.
Next time I'll wrap some transparent plastic losely around the pot.

A blackbox is a very good idea for short summers, just remember to incorperate some airventilation.

I'll upload the rest of the pics this weekend.
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