Foxfarms Finally Steps Up Its Game Introducing Microbe Brew

Re: Foxfarms finally steps up its game introducing microbe brew..

I see..well,in my case since foxfarm never offered a mycorrhizae/bacterial product i got it elsewhere..its a basic catalyst/activator where the live bacteria feeds,shits and breaks down food benefial for uptake.chem nutes have an negative impact on microbes hence the importance to add in the brew to keep everything balanced..i use full line of ff which are all chems with the exception of bigbloom..

Not sure what kind of benefits you get by by mixing it with a pesticide(azamax) and applying to ur leaves though..hmm? Interesting concept;)
Re: Foxfarms finally steps up its game introducing microbe brew..

Ok,so the the azamax won't put a stranglehold and pounce on the nice little microbes? Do they play nice.? ;)
Re: Foxfarms finally steps up its game introducing microbe brew..

Ok.right on..
Pardon my ignorance on the azamax or any other pesticide for that matter..i suppose ive been fortunate enough to never have had to use any in over 20 years of indoor cultivating..
Gotta go knock on wood now..:peace:
Thanks for chiming in..
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