Fresh Harvest Infused Cannabis Oil

Every thing I have going in veggie needed up potting as of two days ago except for two whisky barrels and the DDA. All the small plants have new digs now. There are about six left that need to go into 3.5 or 5 gallon pots. Hopefully I can get at least two finished tonight.

Two bedroom one bath house, no stairs, walk anywhere in town, lots of sunshine, $350-600. [;>)...... Just saying.


You make it very tempting Canyon. :battingeyelashes: :love:
You made my day. Now I can go to bed and try for sleep. :hug:

I hope PsyCro finds this thread someday and can see how well-recieved the method is and how many have adopted it. We owe him a great big "Thank You!!"

As I recall, we (meaning me) gave him some grief over his method as unlikely to be strong enough. Sorry PsyCro.

I'm not on here very often, but i do poke my head in once in a while.. got loads of stuff going on keeping me away. Glad its working out for you all.. keep at it!! :Namaste: :love:
I'm not on here very often, but i do poke my head in once in a while.. got loads of stuff going on keeping me away. Glad its working out for you all.. keep at it!! :Namaste: :love:

Good. Now I feel better. PsyCro, this is hands down the best oil I've produced. Thank you once more for dropping it in our laps. :hug: :love:
Sue, have you tried refrigerating your oil and water combo? That is what I did with the oil batch that I documented. The oil separates from the water and goes solid. Just pop the oil out and toss the water. I tried a second and third separation to get the last drop and decided that they were not worth doing.

Having the batch hot enough to keep the oil thin when you start will help float the oil out of the plant mater.

I never know

I followed your advice Canyon, and pulled out at least another 30 ml. I still had to skim, but I'm getting better at that. When you made this suggestion it may have been with coconut oil in mind, a fact that just occurred to me as I'm typing. Lol! Sometimes I surprise myself at how easily I could miss the obvious. :laughtwo:

The good news is I got back almost what I started with, and it's as potent as I'd hoped for.
So I have a great update!! My uncle with his back pain and eating pills like candy has found relief enough to cut back on meds!! He's very pleased. Still some pain and restless sleeps but going to make next batch with some that are more sedative for him!! I'm soo happy this is helping him.

Dance of joy happening since he told me today.

Took almost 1 month of 5 pills a day so I think I went too weak to start. Better to weak then strong I guess. Lol
So I have a great update!! My uncle with his back pain and eating pills like candy has found relief enough to cut back on meds!! He's very pleased. Still some pain and restless sleeps but going to make next batch with some that are more sedative for him!! I'm soo happy this is helping him.

Dance of joy happening since he told me today.

Took almost 1 month of 5 pills a day so I think I went too weak to start. Better to weak then strong I guess. Lol

Excellent! Just the kind of post we hope to find New B. I now have my daughter on two capsules at a time, four times a day. We're seeing dramatic improvement in logical thinking, something we weren't anticipating so early in, and it started showing an accelerated healing pace when we switched all of the oils to FHO.

It's always best to start low and titrate slowly. Now you have some sense of a starting point for dose strength for him. Well done. Relief is the name of the game, eh? :hug: :love:
I discovered today that I'd inadvertently changed the volume of olive oil called for in PsyCro's original recipe when I began making my own oil. His original recipe called for 1 liter of olive oil for every 400 grams of fresh buds. I've been using half that amount of olive oil, so no wonder my capsules are so potent, eh? :rofl:

Ok ok..... So we all know that you control the potency of the infused oils by the ratio of plant material to oil, so this is no big deal in the end. :laughtwo: I asked to have the initial post edited to reflect this discovery and set people straight from the start.

I won't be changing my recipe though, because it was this potency that both of my patients responded so well to. It's this potency of the CBD Critical Cure that lights me up like a firecracker, so it's this potency that I'll be sticking with.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, although in the final analysis it was like the cosmos led me down the path to the perfect oil for me. This is still the best oil I've played with, and both patients noted an improvement after the change. We'll be sticking with double strength. :cheesygrinsmiley:
It seems 420mag is blocking TOR users so if I'm not around that's why.

Been a slice!

First time I've been able to log in for a couple weeks and don't even know if this will post. I've got logged in but then lost connection and every other site works fine so it's this site. Unless you've all had trouble connecting here too.

Might as well try another one.

When I make my cocobudder I'm usually using 50g/L to get a 20:1 and with good bud it takes a tsp to get a good buzz. Even 200g seems like a hell of a lot and I doubt that the oil is getting all the medicine out of the pot at that concentration so I hope it gets used to make a weaker batch after.

I don't know for sure tho.

Might as well try another one.

When I make my cocobudder I'm usually using 50g/L to get a 20:1 and with good bud it takes a tsp to get a good buzz. Even 200g seems like a hell of a lot and I doubt that the oil is getting all the medicine out of the pot at that concentration so I hope it gets used to make a weaker batch after.

I don't know for sure tho.


I'm fairly certain the olive oil has a rediculously high saturation point. I remember a discussion to that effect a while back on another thread somewhere. Even at the triple strength of 400 grams fresh buds to 0.3 L olive oil I feel confident you'd get at least the 85% efficiency in extraction we accept as standard for infused oils.

By the time you're done with this material it's beat to death. I don't know how one would use it for anything else. You could toss it in with another batch I suppose, but after the boiling water reclaimation of the bound oils I'd be hesitant about that.

Sorry you're having trouble logging on. Hopefully that'll fix itself quickly. Maybe a mod could help you out.
Wondering if anyone else has seen this.

In first two batches of FHO I added water to herb/oil mix. Resulting oil had layer of red oil on top. First batch (with more water in pressure cooker) the entire batch looked reddish. The last batch with no added water (just what was in fresh herb) had just a slight ring of red. I think the color is from flavonoids, which are soluble in water and at least some organic solvents.

Still too many questions about what it is to start hypothesizing. Just wondering if others have seen it.
Wondering if anyone else has seen this.

In first two batches of FHO I added water to herb/oil mix. Resulting oil had layer of red oil on top. First batch (with more water in pressure cooker) the entire batch looked reddish. The last batch with no added water (just what was in fresh herb) had just a slight ring of red. I think the color is from flavonoids, which are soluble in water and at least some organic solvents.

Still too many questions about what it is to start hypothesizing. Just wondering if others have seen it.

I haven't seen this in mine KR, but it may be strain related. I also only did one batch with added water, and I did an oil bath at the end to get all that water out. Your theory sounds plausible. What strain was used?
I haven't seen this in mine KR, but it may be strain related. I also only did one batch with added water, and I did an oil bath at the end to get all that water out. Your theory sounds plausible. What strain was used?

The other difference that I just thought of is that the first two batches still had water at the end of 2 hours that I strained along with oil and separated after it cooled and settled for a day. Last batch had no water left as it cooled. That could be why. But doesn't matter if it's not related to the FHO effect. Had a notion, didn't work out. On the other hand, tonight's experiment with batch #3 has definitely got that kick.:)
The other difference that I just thought of is that the first two batches still had water at the end of 2 hours that I strained along with oil and separated after it cooled and settled for a day. Last batch had no water left as it cooled. That could be why. But doesn't matter if it's not related to the FHO effect. Had a notion, didn't work out. On the other hand, tonight's experiment with batch #3 has definitely got that kick.:)

You know, every batch I make I consider that I may have been imagining this. :laughtwo: Then I take a first dose and smile reeeaaall big. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'd have to say, this was my biggest find since strolling through the virtual gates.
experiment update

Still feeling a little kick 10 hours later. That's a nice way to wake up! :) Dance World is supposed to be 1:1, but I think the ratio on my plants may be a little more THC than CBD. I need to get this one tested. I have the dried half of this harvest to make into CCO for a direct comparison. Testing both batches would be $140 including terps profile. Biggest obstacle is having to drive through Seattle, but I have to go later this month anyway, so I can make an entire adventure of being stuck in traffic. I may actually do it this time.
I am considering taking down my beautiful and 1st ever grow - OG Kush, and using your method for producing instant medical oil.
I have a few questions.

Would it be ok to reheat the oil a few days later and add the lecithin ? as I can`t get any quickly and I think the kush is ready to come down this weekend.

How do you put the end product into capsules ? is it the same consistency as RSO in a syringe ?

Since I planted the Kush I have learned that my wife`s stage 4 is an estrogen positive cell and that very high CBD and low THC is what we need.
I have 2 new strains in veg, these are Candida and CBD Therapy
My question is, we would like to reciprocate the kind gesture from a friend of a friend who gave us the RSO,
I don`t want to give them something that takes them to Venus and back so is there any way I could tone the high effects down, I have noted your advice Sweetsue to just alter the amount of green to the amount of olive oil, but say the effects are still too much, can it be toned down afterwards ?

Thanks so much for another great thread. :bravo:
I am considering taking down my beautiful and 1st ever grow - OG Kush, and using your method for producing instant medical oil.
I have a few questions.

Would it be ok to reheat the oil a few days later and add the lecithin ? as I can`t get any quickly and I think the kush is ready to come down this weekend.

How do you put the end product into capsules ? is it the same consistency as RSO in a syringe ?

Since I planted the Kush I have learned that my wife`s stage 4 is an estrogen positive cell and that very high CBD and low THC is what we need.
I have 2 new strains in veg, these are Candida and CBD Therapy
My question is, we would like to reciprocate the kind gesture from a friend of a friend who gave us the RSO,
I don`t want to give them something that takes them to Venus and back so is there any way I could tone the high effects down, I have noted your advice Sweetsue to just alter the amount of green to the amount of olive oil, but say the effects are still too much, can it be toned down afterwards ?

Thanks so much for another great thread. :bravo:

:welcome: stage4. I have all yeses for you. :laughtwo:

First off, yes, you can add liquid sunflower lecithin later. You'll only need to bring the oil back to room temperature to get it to mix, then give it at least one day in the fridge. I store mine in the refrigerator, and when I fill capsules I bring it to room temp and stir all over again. There's a small bit of sediment that settles and I want it mixed. It may be lecithin separating out, but it doesn't matter, I still want all the particulate matter dispersed when I begin filling the next round of capsules.

Yes, you can dilute the oil. Once you have the infused oil on hand it's a simple matter of math. If I have a quantity of intense oil that I want to cut the potency of the easiest way I can think of to do so is to add more olive oil to get the dilution I want. I'd probably heat those two oils together for at least an hour. Low heat, nothing drastic.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Aside from using diverse batches at different strengths, I'd think this would work.

You can also go with smaller capsules. This is probably the best idea. Lol! I bought some to try, but then I grew really fond of this strength. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Have you checked in at Cajun's cancer regimen thread? That RSO, or CCO as we tend to call it around these halls, would be more bioavailable with a BioBomb processing. Cajun has a wealth of information on treating cancer with CCO, with a strong focus on increasing the bioavailability of that valuable resource.

Give the wife a big hug from me. She has much to be hopeful for. :hug::hug::hug:
experiment update

Still feeling a little kick 10 hours later. That's a nice way to wake up! :) Dance World is supposed to be 1:1, but I think the ratio on my plants may be a little more THC than CBD. I need to get this one tested. I have the dried half of this harvest to make into CCO for a direct comparison. Testing both batches would be $140 including terps profile. Biggest obstacle is having to drive through Seattle, but I have to go later this month anyway, so I can make an entire adventure of being stuck in traffic. I may actually do it this time.

Oh!!! I swear KR, you get yours tested with a comparison and I'll crawl right through these interwebs to wrap you up in a real hug! :laughtwo:

I wish to God I lived in a state that allowed testing. Soon girl..... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I wake up mildly buzzed every day KR. :laughtwo: I was just thinking yesterday that I'm never straight anymore. What a glorious reality. :green_heart:

So.... Dance World was one of those strains that tempted me way back. You're liking it? Maybe someday I'll get the chance. I was eyeing my Jamaican Dream seed, but I think I'll wait on that. I'm pretty full right now.

Back to my update. :battingeyelashes:

........... :oops: I forgot the hug. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
aw aw ^^^^ she`s gone again ! hehe ain`t she beautiful ?

Thanks for your great reply sweet heart.
one thing you overlooked, how do you load your capsules ?

Thanks for the info on Cajun, I`ll search that out.
Jenny is incredible, this breast cancer has been in her life for a dozen yrs now, a Mastectomy and all the crappy chemo later and honestly she does`nt let it keep her down.
Here in the UK, thanks to mainstream media, people are giving away their hard earned money on scam cancer research.
aw aw ^^^^ she`s gone again ! hehe ain`t she beautiful ?

Thanks for your great reply sweet heart.
one thing you overlooked, how do you load your capsules ?

Thanks for the info on Cajun, I`ll search that out.
Jenny is incredible, this breast cancer has been in her life for a dozen yrs now, a Mastectomy and all the crappy chemo later and honestly she does`nt let it keep her down.
Here in the UK, thanks to mainstream media, people are giving away their hard earned money on scam cancer research.
:reading420magazine: I've read that a disposable pipette (big eye dropper) is used to fill capsules.:Namaste:
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