GeOMaTTiC's ProMix Acupulco Gold AutoFlower Grow Journal 2018/2019

I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing......UPDATES

Only had the main stem pulled over and tied down, and they rebounded very quickly.

No movement at all for the rest of that day, but by the next morning, they were pointing at the sky once more


and now closer to today's pics, here is yesterdays

The inner growth was good prior to the LST, but even the next day I had noticed they were bushing out tremendously. Definitely going to be applying this technique for more grows, while I experiment with the others.
And now for today's photos.

I had just given everyone a healthy dose of food and water, they should be set for the rest of the weekend

Only change that I had made in my setup, is the addition of an exhaust fan. 203 cfm is very loud, even on the low setting. I knew what I was getting for the low price, and I didn't care. Have yet to purchase a carbon scrubber, but that will be for the next edition.

As the exhaust fan is removing a lot of moisture (down to about 20-30% if I am lucky), I will be getting a small humidifier to place inside the tent to keep it steady. Placing a bowl of water in front of the fan/heater actually seemed to drop the RH, so that was a fail.

Without the exhaust on, the water bowl worked wonders, but I do want to run the fan from now on.DSCN6117.JPGDSCN6120.JPGDSCN6121.JPGDSCN6122.JPG

I had noticed a little discolouration on the nute fed plant. However, I forgot to give it nutes for over a week, just I am sure that was the reason, as the pro mix is void of additional nutes.....fed her this morning, so we will see what happens from here on out

See for yourself. Blurple and in natural green

Only on a few leaves, and not all over. Not in the tips either, directly in the middle of the leaf
I tried using the wet towel in the filled bucket, but with the fan on it still stayed down around 25% RH. Tried it with both vents open, just the one, then just the other, then both closed. Nothing helped, until I shut it off. 15 minutes later and its already at 43%. I can always turn it on from time to time if I choose, but we will see.

New light and humidifier will be ordered on Friday, cannot wait to have it fully lit inside.
I'm in just noticed you got the same light I got only had it about 6 weeks ifirst few days I had it I freaked out when I opened the door half my shit was purple have it beside a 1000w hps to help out kind of a little side by side going on

Now what if you put your fan on a timer to let your humidity build a little
It's been way too long since updating, so here it goes.

I have still only been giving plain tap water to the B and B meal, and the RF Base and All Purp for the final doage to use up what was left mixed. Will be switching to the Base and Bloom next feeding.

Growth has exploded, as they are well into their flowering stage. The B and B meal is clearly a few steps ahead of the other, but not much to worry about. I don't think anyhow.

I will post the video review later once it has finished uploading, but I have pictures for the meantime.

*******about to post update when I noticed it was uploaded now******

Stopped the LST on the RF, I want to see how it finishes all bent over like that, with one main cola still dominant. The other is going to remain trained like its big brother.

RF B and B meal size comparison

and this last one as it was drooping a lot this morning, but bounced back after a few hours of light
Took plenty of more pictures this morning, I will post them once I'm finished work.

Plenty of stretching coming from both, but more noticeably from the RF, probably due to not tying it back anymore. Starting to think I should just buck up and do it.

In the meantime, I picked up some literature at a phenominal value, only $13.

Figured having some written information will be good for quick reference, if needed. At the very least, I will learn a few more things that will be very useful over time.
Update is long overdue, please excuse my tardiness.

First up is the B&B Meal. Shorter overall, but still looking very good. Nicely tight and compact, but still plenty of light.


Next is the nutrient fed plant. Buds are larger with more height, should fill out just nicely soon enough.

And here is a nice shot of the thick and very angled stock on the nutrient fed plant, those purple lines are clearly seen here, even in the blurple shade. I will take better photos in the proper lighting soon.


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Few pics, and of course, another video. Girls are humming along nicely, especially with the new lights.

Pic of them together, and then the canopy of both of the little fellers

and some gratuitous bud shots...sorry for the terrible shots, new camera will be here soon enough

Had a small issue with the one light, so they sent me a free replacement, not going to complain about that, they provide some awesome customer service.

Only downside is the temps are now much higher, way to high for my liking. Had put off the cool mist dehumidifier for far too long now, it seems its now a necessity in my tent. Oh well, was only being put off, not dismissed all together.

Now for the video overview, which will be a staple on my journals from here on out. new one is in the making as we speak. Details at 11 following the local news.

Hey Geo,
sorry I haven't been around. This journal got lost on some back pages. Your plants look beautiful! Obviously humidity is not an issue during flower, the lower the better. You don't want it below 30, so anywhere above is fine. Too much and you risk mold if you lack circulation.
Well done!
I should really do a better job at keeping regular updates, but that is something I am working on.
Humidity is right around 30% with the fan on low, so I think if I add a little cool vapour to the air, and set the fan on high, it won't get out of control. If it does, then I will work on figuring something else out.
I will be picking up a larger tent in the next few weeks, and moving that down in the basement. Temperature is much easier to control down there. Being up here in my bedroom, it can get pretty warm in the hot sun.
That will be my flower tent, and just keep the vegetables up here.
Time for another update. More than likely the second or third last one, as its nearing time to harvest.

Plants are still looking beautiful to me, other than some burns on one portion of buds on my Blood and Bone meal plant, Pretty sure I had overdosed when re-amending the soil, oh well. I will just be more careful next time.

While I am still going to be running these lights for more tests, I have decided on which lights to go with next. My current budget lights will be used for more testing, as I am curious as what they can actually do.

My choice in lights is mentioned in the video, but not written here.


My next journal will be updated way more often, I certainly dropped the ball on this one

Peaceout Mosuckas
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