Girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth


New Member
Confused . I got 2 . One is in worst shape than the other. But where they sprout new growth its was very light green for days and then its turned wilty brown. Ive used light doses of bone meal an blood meal when I transfered em over to 5 gal. Been using very light doses in big bloom an grow big to build em up to the nutes. I had a 400 watt mh bulb on em for weeks. I just recently returned to the t5 . I was scared that it was causing light burn. I know I aint givin ya much. But any tips or ways to stop it would be appreciated:Namaste:
Re: girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth.

I think I found my problem.. My wife used one of my gallon jugs to put some of her fabric softener in one of my jugs. After using it she put the jug back. I recently watered with that jug. I dont know what softener contains but it has to be the culprit. Ther not crispy but almost look like fhey were bleached. I flushed about 5 gallons of fresh water threw them today hopefully they bounce back.
Re: girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth.

Hello welcome to :420:!!!!

Well IMO fabric softener would probably do some damage, especially if they are small young plants. I had some of the yellow and wilting and it was caused from heat stress. Also be careful adding nutes even if they are in small doses. Small doses is the way to go but blood meal can be a real plant burner. Some strains can't handle it. If you are using a professional soil such as FFOF, be careful as those soils are already full of nutrients. And you already started to trouble shoot the maybe too close??
Re: girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth.

Yea man im using a faffard brand soil with added perlite and moss. It works well. On the blood meal ive used on alot of other strains and had no problems but this is a different strain. The girls are approximately 4 to 6 weeks old. I dont think its heat stress the room stays around 78 to 85 max . Thats what got me so confused because ive done it all right. It HAS to be the softener . I poured some in a spray bottle after watering and shot the leaves with the stuff. I did put some Superthrive in that same watering but I doubt superthrive caused it. Ill have to just sit back and pray now. Lol. Do you think it was a good idea to flush em like I did and do you think I should do it again in a couple days ?
Re: girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth.

Yeah I would agree with the flush and if they don't bounce back, I'd do it again. I'm not familiar with Superthrive, but if I was to bet I think the fabric softener did it. My temps are the same as yours, so should be fine IMO.
Re: girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth.

Sounds good bro I appreciate it alot. These things get to be like pets that ya love to see grow but hate to see em sick. Lol. Imo people rave over the Superthrive but ive yet to see a difference in using and not using. Its mostly vitamins for plants if you didnt kno. I'll keep flushing and hopefully they bounce back.
Re: girls are turning wilty brown on the new growth.

Sounds good bro I appreciate it alot. These things get to be like pets that ya love to see grow but hate to see em sick. Lol. Imo people rave over the Superthrive but ive yet to see a difference in using and not using. Its mostly vitamins for plants if you didnt kno. I'll keep flushing and hopefully they bounce back.

Cool, let me know how it goes. I'll be watching!!:peacetwo:
I flushed them once again and these babies bounced back with vengance. Ill start nutes again this week . thanks again

I love when they come back....especially when the girls are all pissed off and shooting new growth!!! Glad they made it.
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