Gleipnir's 1st Grow Attempt

Glad to read you are still doing okay bro, electricity is no joke, plus a fall off a ladder, damn gleip :phew:
These girls are going to start getting big! Did you take a height measurement from day one of veg to get a % of stretch sir? :blunt:
Best of luck, home stretch :high-five:
One was 1ft 2in when put into flower. The other two were 1 ft 9 in when put into flower. My smallest one is of today (8th day in flower) 2 ft 2 in and the other two are 2 ft 7 in. I will post a pic later, they are covered in hairs.

I also cut the two lowest branches off the plants as they were receiving no light and I wanted my plants to focus their efforts on the tops.
Day 8







Still taking bets on what you may think the final pull will be. :p
They are looking good- nice stretch going on. I'm going to be the first to venture a guess......6.2oz from the three of them- lots of good tops there.:)
Love the sound of that number Flowerchild, I hope I can pull that much. BTW have you smoked anymore of your current grow? :p

So far it's:
Aztecbuds - 6 ounces 6 grams
Flower Child - 6 ounces
Me - 4 ounces

Here are some picture from today (11th day of flower)








For an absolute first time grower I'm rather pleased with the results thus far.
Love the sound of that number Flowerchild, I hope I can pull that much. BTW have you smoked anymore of your current grow? :p

So far it's:
Aztecbuds - 6 ounces 6 grams
Flower Child - 6 ounces
Me - 4 ounces

Here are some picture from today (11th day of flower)

For an absolute first time grower I'm rather pleased with the results thus far.

You should be very proud of them:)
And yes I have tried both the bombs and the pineapples a couple of times now. The high is extremely nice- especially the bombs and it helps well with arthritis pain. The excellent high and the preponderance of shrunken red pistils was what triggered my decision to start harvesting plants, because they still only have a couple amber tricomes. I was told that some strains dont turn amber much till they are being cured. So we'll see what they do- I'm happy irregardless.
Better late than never as I always say. Nice to have you along Rune. Thanks for the compliments Rune and Flower, sorry for the lack of time on the forums, but life waits for no man. May post some picture of the ladies later today.
Bushy plant developed a potassium def (Yellow sides and odd brown spots on tips) so i gave it a good flush and some potash mixed in water, now to wait and see how it reacts. A potassium def would explain the small buds on it.

Anyways everything else is going well. (Day 20 of flower)






Ignore hairs they aren't spider mites, just doggy hairs. The curse of a northern breed dog.

Purple Oozer plant:

Potassium Def plant:

The Fainter plant:

Thanks to all those keeping up with me still. :Namaste:
One of my good friends decided to drop by for a drink and a smoke. He asked me why the whole house smelt like fresh coffee. So turns out my plants smell like coffee as neither my wife or I drink it. The only cannabis I have smoked that had that smell was Moroccan hashish. Man I hope I got a nice hash plant from the bag seed. I did have some seeds from an ounce of Bubba Kush. Maybe, just maybe I lucked out.
How did this grow turn out?

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Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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