Gorilla Glue Auto & Extreme Impact Auto & 2 Gelat.Ogs Grow Journal


Well-Known Member


this one is my oldest and strongest. Its about 6 days old since sprouting and it SHOOTED ^^^ Its gelat.Og


This is my second oldest Shes about 5 days old :D shes a little leggy but I moved her closer to the light so I hope it fixes. Shes Gelat.Og


Heres My extreme impact auto, shes about 3 days old and looks healthy, shes breaking off her shell no problem


heres my gorilla glue auto, no sprout yet but when I look closely the seed is poking out of the soil so itll sprout soon probably.

So this is my first grow EVER. I might need some help with some stuff. My medium is FFOF and phed water around 6.0 - 6.5. Right now they're under a reptile lamp with an LED light bulb, they seem happy right now. I also have a humidifer running for them and a heat mat under them. I have some fans but they're not turned on right now. So I have a 600w hps light, and I heard it can kill seedlings so its not turned on right now, how old should they be before I turn it on ? I also have a carbon filter but thats not turned on either, How old should they be before I turn these things on ?

I know Im going all over the place xD but Im also planning to use fox farm nutes and I read up a lot ok them and I dont think im gonna start using them till they're a month old, and I also read for autos u wanna use like 1/4 strength. Im
also planning to flush them, I bough some advanced nutrients flush thing or something, idek xD

My main question right now is how old should they be before I turn on my carbon filter, fan, and 600whps light ?

here are some pics of my setup right now



Any help is GREATLY appreciated my dudes xD
My plan for this grow is 2 autos in 1 gal pots
and 2 phenos in 5 gal pots


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congrats, look up politicoed 's profile, just slayed w his auto grow, lot of good advice there. pretty leggy but keep a fan on them it will help strengthen the stem.
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