Gray Mold


New Member
Im a new grower and a litle uneasy talkinf about it. I have been growing for two years and doing well. I have a White Widiow growing with a harvist about every four weeks. But all of a suddenI got Gray Mold. I need some help with this issue.
Anybody know a thing or two about gray mold?
I had that grey mold too.I did a sulfur burn type of thing that didnt work so i used Denfender garden fungicide....worked like a charm.just follow the directions on the bottle. Safer's Defender garden fungicide
You might also want to check your humidity levels.

Bortrytis (gray mold) loves temperate humid environments and will generally start inside the bud and spreads outward. You might try keeping you humidity below 50% (40-45%) while in flower and you might need to increase you rate of exhaust in order bring in more fresh dry air.
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