GreenChromes First Grow, Bag Seed Kush, Soil, Flourescents Only - 2010-2011

Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Hello 420!
After lurking for a bit, I decided to make the jump so here I am. My experience growing is none, so I wll need your help as I learn.

I have started setting up my room, or rather my closet. It is 28" x 28", small. Pictures of the current work in progress will be up as soon as my camera finishes charging.

And for the greenery... One sad, lonely, and neglected plant. So the story is this: It sat in a small clay pot on a window sill for about 2 months until I decided to rescue it. My hopes are to get this stunted plant to veg enough to get some good clones so that the real grow can start. Right now it is under 2 T5 flourescent lights 24W, 2,000 Lumens each, and 2 compact CFL 20W's. The T5's are blue light, and the others are red. I know it is not the ideal setup, but I am still getting things together.

So far I have a Feliz 250W, which I will be looking to order a hood for later on tonight. The guy at the local shop gave it to me, yes thats right, he just gave me the $100 light. Pretty cool. Cant beat that price so I will be using it on this grow.

I have some other stuff,but you will see all that stuff in the pictures. My next project it to figure out some real ventilation.

Thanks for reading, and I will be keeping this thread updated the best I can. Here is some more info to get started:

What strain is it? Bagseed Kush
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flowering began on the windowsill, trying to get back to veg (18/6)
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil, Foxfarm
If soil... What size pot? 1 gallon, for now
Size of light? 2 24w T5 and 2 20W CFL
Temp of Room/cab? Hanging the new gauge in a bit
Any Pests ? YES! Black Gnats from the Foxfarm soil
How often are you watering? Every 4 to 5 days, when he top few inches dry out.
Type and strength of ferts used? None yet

GChrome, what is your plan for the Gnats that you have? And does anyone know if that is typical for FF soil or just soil in general?:thanks:
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Thanks for all of the replies everyone! After waking up to vibrations and rattling I pulled out the ladder and went back to the hellhole (attic). The fan is on the lowest possible speed and was not to loud. I went downstairs and heard it throughout the whole apartment. Went back into the attic, still relativley quiet. I went out back and heard it again! Finally, after about an hour of this I went out front and hey have a pressure washer going, DOH!

Ugodmade, I already have it rubber mounted. The fan I need to replace is not the exhaust fan, its the fan for moving air over the plants. I just need to find a small, powerful, and quiet one. Thanks for the info on the Chiesel, I can't wait to smoke some!

Iwantitall, I was going to run it to the bathroom fan, but there was an open air eave closer. I found some ducting, bent some metal, and made it fit. It blows out of the eave where you see it hooked up in the pics. The vents for the bathroom are a good 10 feet to the left, so I figured less distance = more power. The scrubber is in the closet on the shelf. It was a bit of a pain, but it is working well. I just have it keep it low. From outside it sounds lke I left the bathroom fan on.

Voltron, that plant from the window sill is a bit of a runt. Too much neglect. I think these clones will outgrow it in a few weeks even though the other one is about a month older. I am keeping it in there because it is what started it all of, not because I expect much from it. I bought some stuff for the gnats, and will aplly it in the next watering. It is from general hydrponics, I will let you know how it works. They came with my Roots Organics soil, not the foxfarm. Sorry about the wrong info. I recently figured ou that this is where they came from.

Thanks everyone, I am having a lot of fun with the journal! Thanks for the reps voltron, I think those are my first!!!
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

im in for this grow .. I got my fans and duct work at ACE Hardware . your ladies are looking great

Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

52Frestone and Wolfden, Thanks for the kind words.

I went to about 5 stores yesterday and no one carried fans because it is out of season. I think I live in the one place in this country without a Walmart, but I looked on their website and found a cheap oscillating table fan by Holmes. It looks ok, $12 bucks, but no clip. I could probably modify it, but I would like to actually see one in person. That trick for the gnats sounds good. I am using smart pots, so they cant access the drain holes. I will try covering the top with perlite. Thanks for that tip!

I bought a blackout curtain to cover the closet door, and it works well. It does good dampening the sound of the fan as well. I took some pics, and will post them later when I am at the 'good' computer.

So I am still looking for some gear that I will eventually need. Obviously I need a fan soon, but I am keeping my eyes open for a magnifying glass and a good scale. I have to check out the 420 Sponsors page, but it looks like 100 seed companies.

I have been wanting to grow for a long time, and am excited to finally be able to do it and share my experiences with everyone here. Thanks again 420!
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Here are the plants getting settled in. I think the back right one has a little transplant shock. Its growing, but a little yellow. I do not think it is too much of a concern at this point. The curtain helped to block that heavenly light from seeping out through the cracks of the closet door. Here are the pics! Thanks for looking!



Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Hey braynes, thanks for the info. I just ordered this fan Holmes 2-Speed Oscillating Table Top Fan, Fearless Red: Heating, Cooling, & Air Quality

I got it earlier today before I read your post. Hope it will work!

My air comes in passively from under the closet door. The curtain does not drag on the floor, so it allows for this to continue working. The temps work well like this, and I think air from outside will significantly lower my temp. Did you have a suggestion? If there is something that will work better I would love to try it out, thats why I started the Journal, for constructive criticism.

Thanks for all of the input 420!
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Just my opinion but I would have a fan sucking in = to the one on the filter or perhaps a little more, you need some co2, my home is pretty much air tight so I must inport outside .
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Looking back over it this morning, IT looks great very nice work,I can not wait to see if you have space, I think you will really fill the area.
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Braynes, I will be a happy grower when that area is filled! I am hesitant about putting more holes in the walls, I think I will let it be for now. When I have my own place than I will try to make the ideal grow room.

I know I have a while to go, but at what size/ height would you suggest flipping the switch to 12/12?
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

they at least double in height from when you change them so its just preference i have grown seedlings 12/12 from the start they just dont seem to yield near as much but they only get 12" - 24" tall I think most people go 60 days
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Depends on the plant for me about 14 in around 5 weeks for most
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

I dont know how old these clones are, I was a bit surprised at how big they were when I got them. I am seeing a bit of growth on two, one seems to be trying to catch up, and the other is growing but a bit yellowed. I think it may be from the lack of nutes before I transplanted. I am going away for a week and my friend wil be keeping an eye on them, so I am hoping to come back to a nice surprise.

The fifth plant that is in there is the original bagseed kush (in the white pot). It is actually doing much better than I expected. I am hoping to get it bushy enough so that when there is no more room I can pull it and start a bunch of clones for the next cycle. I will have to set up a small clone, veg area somewhere else, but it will not have great ventialation, and I probably will not cover the walls either. As small as they will be though I am not to worried about ventlating. I will just keep that door cracked.

So the plan is this: When I get back around the first I will start adding veg type nutes until they are about 1 1'2 feet tall, than I will pull (4?) clones from kush and maybe two each from the best plants of the other strains. So all together I will have 8 clones going. The best 4, or the 4 that survive will go into the next cycle, but will be veged while the closet ones are flowering. Hopefully this will work out. Any ideas? Will they be too tall by the time the others finish flowering? Or does anyone have a better plan?

Thanks again everyone!
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Does anyone know how to edit the title of the post, if possible? I should change it to include the clones, but I should also change the first post to fix some errors. If anyone can tell me, or point me in the right direction (thread) it would be appreciated!
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Here is the update. I fly home tomorrow and will post some pics in a few days. My friend told me that the temps in the room dropped to 39F and the plants started looking bad. He turned up the heat and they are fine now, so we will see. I will have to find a way to heat the closet, any ideas? I would like something with a thermostat so that I can pick the "perfect" temp and have it stay at that. I dont know how to safely heat the area, so any advice is greatly appreciated (as always). Thanks!
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

I use ele. oil filled radiator, they have a thermostat , and my new ones have timers as well, the oil keeps temp common and is not as dry as some types,I run mine on 600w. so the bill is not bad.
Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Hey 420, I can really use your late night help. I just got home and one of my plants is looking rough, and another is starting to head in that direction. I do not know what is causing this. My friend has been taking care of them for the week I was gone. Here is the rundown, they were repotted about 2 weeks ago into roots organic, and have not yet had nutes added. I was planning on starting that tomorrow. They have ventilation, fans, and are in 3g pots. Here are the pics of the one in bad shape. If anyone can diagnose this it will be very helpful. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!



Re: GreenChromes first grow, Bagseed Kush, Soil, Flourescents only. 2010-2011

Here is the update. I added half strength (1/2 tsp) of GH grow nutes to a gallon of water and gave all the plants an even amount. They are looking better already. The leaves are still yellow, but they are perking up and looking alive. I have to trim the ones that are too far gone, but overall I am pleased with the progress.
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