Greencure Week 6


New Member
So my plants just entered week 6 of flower. I have mild pm appearing. I have defoiliated as much as I can to prevent it and slow it down. But now I will not be able to remove any more leaves without taking the important ones. So I sprayed 3/4 tablespoon of greencure, in 1 gallon of water just after lights out. By the time lights came on 12 hours later, the pistils were all brown. So my question here is, how important are the pistils during the final 3 weeks of flower, it's a 9 week strain. Is it okay that they're burnt, or will it slow down the growth? I ask because, this is my first grow, and have no idea what I'm really looking for. How often can I spray the greencure? Should I increase or reduce the dose? I just want to hold the PM off until harvest. I don't care about curing the plants at this point, I know thats impossible, and I want to grow organic, so no chemicals. Thank you to anyone that replies.
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