Greetings from New Zealand


New Member
Hello all

Feel free to call me Alex,I live in New Zealand and I am thinking of moving to the US since there are less restrictions on Cannabis and in New Zealand its not that easy obtaining Cannabis Oil since I am a asthmatic,I am currently on 2 asthma inhalers (Seretide and Ventolin) and feel its not doing my body any good,I am also a very keen model railroader,I am mainly into Marklin and Fleischmann,thats about me for the time being
Welcome Alex,

I'm a NewB here myself.

I don't know much about the availability of Cannabis Oil in the States, but I do know that many of the individual states have legalized MMJ (18 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC - Medical Marijuana - and Washington state, not to be confused with the Fed or DC, and Colorado have legalized recreational use as well.

Anyway, good luck with your potential move.

Thanks,I still have to go to the US Embassy in New Zealand on Visa applications,another thing I need to ask,how are things looking for the railways in the US,I am interested in working as a train driver
greetings Schl
have you also checked into if your visa will get in the way of being prescribe meds in the us? im also a new zealand citizen living abroad and have been very interested in these things for quiet a while now .. even into the far future into moving and cultivating over there for legal business purposes
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