Grow Attempt #2


New Member
After the first grow attempt went down the drain we decided to give this another try. We are growing some beastiers seeds we stumbled across and sprouted 10+. 5 are going indoor till it gets a bit warmer, the rest were planted outside. Here is what we are looking at so far pictures are from 6 days old.

Set up::

120w Gro Light in ballest.
75w grow bar at night
Plug-In socket adapter
6" green poly planters
16qt organic choice potting mix
Small box fan-slow speed





120w grow fl
currently light cycle is on 7:20am-midnight

75w grow
coming from a first timer. i know the plants need water I have given them water every 3-4 days just watering the soil not spraying the plants. I put a cup of water in the middle of all the plants in an attempt to create some sort of humidity. Are the stems looking alright? Im not sure how much wind should be circulating on the plants, I dont want to have weak stems like what happened to the first grow. As of right now the wind is enough to gently keep moving the leafs. Maybe i just need to relax and keep doing whatever. Im not sure if we have enough light either. Please post some comments!
Not a bad start, I water only when the soil is all dry. As they grow your plants will tell you when to water (leaves will slightly droop). Sounds like your fine with the air circ., you just want the stems to blow slightly. Your stems will become plenty strong from simulating the natural wind. :peace:
i turned up the wind a bit so they move a little more. not anything dramatic but in a constant breezey motion.

added cfl light think we are at enough lumens now. considering getting a 10k ?
The more lumens the better! ;-) You need to separate your seedlings so they are in separate pots. You don't want them competing for root space. I would take the foil down as well, because it can create hot spots on the the plants. Use white paint or mylar. The soil you are using contains time release fertilizers in it, so you are going to have to watch for nute burn when you start using nutes which I wouldn't start adding until your plants are at least 3 weeks old. ;-) Good job so far! I like that you added a fan in to keep your babies strong.
you should listen to Msfox, her advice is always golden! 4 my 2 cents. I would get a dbl 80wt shop light and hang it there along with those others. put a drain pan under those pots or your carpet will get mold underneath, looks like some nice carpet. DEF get some mylar.! but I am not a master grower and i have my own problems and ALWAYS need help and have questions!
thanks for the info! we are looking at getting a light in the 10k spec. do the higher lumenesent lights make your buds better?
heres an update. week 3. starting to stink when you put your nose up to them. and updated pics of the new light set ups thanks to the comments! One of our plants is having some type of disease or deffinacy. We had a mite problem that we think we have taken care of. We switched soils. We bought some ortho max.- flower,fruit and vegetable insect killer.

Diseased Plant


Hopefully seperate these two into seprate pots by the end of the week.

Top off plant that grew tallest through vegative state.

On another note. The primary leafs on all of the plants have become yellow. Competely have no green left in them. Is that normal that the non-serated first leafs die off/ turn yellow? Hopefully this has no bad meaning behind it. Hope to hear back. Hopefully wont stink up to much.
On another note. The primary leafs on all of the plants have become yellow. Competely have no green left in them. Is that normal that the non-serated first leafs die off/ turn yellow? Hopefully this has no bad meaning behind it. Hope to hear back. Hopefully wont stink up to much.
Yep,that is normal.You do need some more lighting,no doubt.If $ are tight,I recommend getting a box of 26watt daylight CFL's.They are equivalent to 100watts apeice and will give you alot more lumens than you have and also the spectrum you need.
To make them easier to setup just buy a few T sockets to split existing sockets to 2.Then you can split them again making one socket capable of containing 4 CFL's.
Good luck! :peace:
How did this grow turn out?
We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

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Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
Keep up the great work. Plants look great. Good luck !!

Oh also did you sterilize your room after you got rid of the mites. You dont want those pests coming back thats for sure.
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