Grow Journal - Jan 30th Germ Date - Amnesia Haze/Kabrales- Rainforest 66


420 Member
First off... A BIG THANK YOU to all of you that have contributed, over-saw, and created forums like these. You have given amateurs like me a fighting chance.

Anyways, I am currently in week 5 from seedling on these ladies and I have learned so much. After killing off half the batch of seeds, what I'm left with is 3 beautiful Amnesia Haze's and 1 Blim Burn Kabrales. Here's the details:

Currently in week 5 of vegetation
Light's: 3x30w Spiral CFL's 6500k
1x125w Spiral CFL 6400k
(these are current, ordering flowing lights soon)

System: General Hydroponics Rainforest 66
Grow Style: Vertical SCRoG
Nutes: General Hydroponics Flora
Temps: Ranging from 65f to 77f
Humidity: 40%-50%

So this is my first attempted grow. I have help from friends but we are all novices at this. I scoured these forums for about 3 months, learning everything I can. I have made so many rookie mistakes, but I feel like I've learned from them kind of quickly.

I started Germination on Jan 30th
Here they are about a week in. Grodan, tap water, high humidity and CFL's

About 4 weeks- Started lite nutes- about 1/4 strength

Here's the most current- Day 40- Close to full strength
3 on the left is the Amnesia. 1 on the right is is Kabrales

I don't know if you can tell, but there's some leaf burn from heat and also from leaving water on the leaves. More rookie mistakes. But it doesn't seem to be harming much. I recently moved the lights up a little bit to promote some vertical growth. Hoping to be in flower in about 3 weeks.

The vertical trellis was made a little smaller than we expected. We would've liked a little more room for them to breathe but I'll make due.
looking good, im subbed, i am also using a rainforrest 66, i've modified mine and doing scrog too. your welcome to stop by my journal and check out the set up. be happy to answer any questions you have.:Namaste:
Thanks guys!

Ronnie... man your plants are looking good. Love me some og!

One question that I do have is that since im growing strain thats known for stretching, and I do have limited height (a little over 6 ft from floor), should I be considering flowering soon? Ive read that with most scrogs you want to wait till the screen is 70% percent filled but I have a feeling that that may be too late.
Thanks guys!

Ronnie... man your plants are looking good. Love me some og!

One question that I do have is that since im growing strain thats known for stretching, and I do have limited height (a little over 6 ft from floor), should I be considering flowering soon? Ive read that with most scrogs you want to wait till the screen is 70% percent filled but I have a feeling that that may be too late.

You should look into some forms or training, say topping or super cropping. Although you could LST before they reach your screen as an alternative.
Thanks guys!

Ronnie... man your plants are looking good. Love me some og!

One question that I do have is that since im growing strain thats known for stretching, and I do have limited height (a little over 6 ft from floor), should I be considering flowering soon? Ive read that with most scrogs you want to wait till the screen is 70% percent filled but I have a feeling that that may be too late.

you have to take in consideration how much space you have from the screen to the spot where it is safe for your plants to be with your light as high as it will go.
also by lst or bending the plants topping and defoliating you can grow very large plants that are short with many grow tips. ive been trying to follow jon705's techniques for training and defoliating and my plants are 15" tall with 30-40 main tops. i suggest you have a look at his journals as he explains it well.
once the plants are trained its about estimating the stretch and comparing that to your safe height calculation. you can also continue pulling the tips down and moving/training them into the screen during the stretch on super stretchy strains to keep them in the safe zone, super-cropping is another option to control stretch although i dont have alot of experience with that yet.
hope this helps:Namaste:
Thanks for the thoughts on vertical growth.

I did a little HST by pinching and rotating the main stalks. I only did them on the amnesias because the kabrales has some room to catch up. I felt a slight breakage on the inside of the stalks and I did them just below new growth. I helped the tops flop over a little bit but of course they stood right up within hours. In that time I did notice the lower growths become slightly more agressive... which is good. What I was going for.
Thanks for the thoughts on vertical growth.

I did a little HST by pinching and rotating the main stalks. I only did them on the amnesias because the kabrales has some room to catch up. I felt a slight breakage on the inside of the stalks and I did them just below new growth. I helped the tops flop over a little bit but of course they stood right up within hours. In that time I did notice the lower growths become slightly more agressive... which is good. What I was going for.
you just supercroped:goodjob: from what i read if you rotate your thumb and forefinger after crushing and then bend in the direction you want them to go they should stay bent. ive heard really good things about this technique:high-five:
Alright... im back in town and everything is looking good.

The clones are showing new growth but no roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool. The cubes were really cold and since its a beautiful day out, I figured I should let them bask in the sun for the day. I have a couple questions about that though...

The existing leaves from the original plant are looking a bit dry. I would like to spray them but I dont want for the sun to use the water as a magnifying glass and burn the crap out of them. Should I wait to spray the leaves?

Anyways... heres the good stuff. The old burn from crap lights and bring too close to them while they were seedlings are really starting to look crappy. But everthing else is looking good. I plan on trimming those out here in a day or 2.


Those bottom two pics was from after I pulled back some of the big fan leaves and raised the light a little.
Man... these clones are not taking. New growth on the top, but the existing leaves are looking worse and worse everyday. No roots yet either
Not much to report. The big girls are doing great, the clones are not rooting but are looking good. I think the grodan is too cold. Im going to buy a fish tank warmer tonight. Ill also post some new pics.
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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