Grow Room Setup Help


New Member
Hello All! New here. So I recently decided to go on the journey of my first grow. However I am still in what I call the "research" phase as I would like be as knowledgeable as possible before I actually begin/attempt my first grow.

So as for what I am sure about:
Grow Space - Secret Jardin DR150
Grow Technique - DWC
[I plan on building my own system first time round rather then shelling out cash on a premade one. I am going to make one similar to Current Cultures Undercurrent Solo.]
Lighting - 600w HPS for Flowering , Lumatek digital 600w multi watt dimmable ballast
Ventilation - Passive Intake
Temperature/humidity - I do have a humidifier, portable air conditioner, an dehumidifier, an heat for winter.

What I'm not sure about:

SCROG - I would also like to attempt a scrog during my first grow, I have done lots of research an I think I understand an will be able to do this correctly, the only thing I am having trouble understanding is if I am doing a DWS every week when I need to renew the water and replace it with fresh water how am I to do this the correct way while scrogging?

Lighting - I can't decide what I should use for Vegging, CFL's or MH? I constantly read good things about both so I've been having a hard time deciding. Along with that I also do not know what kind of hood I should buy or how to even decide?

Strain - I plan on ordering seeds from a seed bank and using all the same strain in my first grow, I am having trouble deciding on a good first strain to start with? I have been leading towards Trainwreck, is this a good strain to start with?

Number of Plants - Now I believe the Secret Jardin DR150 is just about 6x6x6, so say I go with the trainwreck, an I plan on using 600 watt lights, and also using a scrog, how many plants should attempt? Now I do want to be clear, I'd rather have the best results, I'm not trying to stuff or "get away" with as many as I can. I would rather grow a few great plants then a whole bunch of okay ones. I was thinking maybe 4?

Ventilation - I can't decide on weather carbon scrubber is really necessary or not? I live in an apartment but there are only 4 apartments located in the building. I am all the way at the end of the hall semi secluded from the other apartments, my neighbor directly next to me is one of my best friends so I am not worried about her, next to her Is the stairwell an then an empty apartment, an all the way at the other end is a tiny apartment of whom I never even see the tenants living there. Nobody's located above me, only below is shops. I was thinking of pushing the air out through my window. So I don't think I should really have to worry about odors. Any input/opinions on this?

Also the winter months are coming up, It gets very cold where I'm located, If I am pushing the air out of a window through tubing an its very cold out will this effect the temperatures inside my tent?

Please any input about any of the above questions or even about what I think I'm already sure about would be most appreciated! This is my first post, I hope I did right an I apologize if I made any mistakes! I'm sure there's some other things I am not sure about that I may have forgotten but for now these will do :). I am currently keeping a blog of my process of just planning, setting things up, an so on so check it out if interested, only two post so far but will be more to come! When I finally have my setup, and feel comfortable an knowledgeable enough that is when the actual grow will begin and I will start a grow journal! I just do not want to rush into things and I want to be as prepared as possible before I begin so any help or pointers in this process would be wonderful!
Hello and :welcome: I hope you like this here :)

Nice Setup! I have 2 growrooms DR brand too :thumb:


Scrog-You never had a grow right? Scrog can be difficult for a first timer but scrog can be very good too, more training, bigger colas... i say go for it but you need to feel ready and read a lot about it , dont do it just because yes...

Lightning-MH do have a better penetration and MH produce more bushy plants the thing is you will pay more monthly for the MH...CFL`s are good costs savers but if it was me i would go with the MH no doubt, if you have the money go for it.

Strain-Trainwreck can Stretch a little bit and be a little lanky, pheno dependent too...for first timer i will say something like an Indica or Indica Dominant with good production and nice genetics.

Number of plants- If you can give them a good training so they can have multiple tops i say yes you can go with four, look out for LST, Topping, Supercropping...Lolipopping for after the flowering your reading about training.

Ventilation-I personally already had a bunch of smelly strains but never had one that smelled the entire house THAT BAD, yes it smells but never smelled that bad... but i will say yes it is better to have one Carbon Filter. :)

The last text you did was very good, nice head set , mostly of the people do it because of the desire of having plants , you are waiting until you feel ready, have so Reps+ just for that! :) i will help you out when you need...

PS: check out the link on my signature , its my Journal , it is over now but you can find it interesting, who knows ;)
Thanks for the response an the pointers Medicatetoday! I still have LOTS of reading to do, your journal now included :) I agree with the scrogging input from what I've read it does seem pretty difficult an it also seems not very many people do it correctly. So this in mind when the time comes if I don't feel comfortable by then I most likely wont attempt. I have pretty decent self control al though as tempting as it is to rush things an jump into things I really want to think this whole process over.

An awesome I was leaning toward using MH so this is most likely what I'll be going with. Although I am basically pretty broke at the moment to me money isn't an issue. I am very patient and I will wait and save as long as I need too in order to create the set-up I want, I'd rather this, also allowing me more time to really study an learn as much as possible!

Hmm I see what your saying about trainwreck, very good point, I definitely don't want to bite off too much for me to handle so I think I will be reading up on some Indica dominant plants later, an choosing a strain of that nature and hopefully this will ease the process and help toward a successful first grow!

As for ventilation this is what I figured, the smell I'm sure is pretty decent, but I don't think will be an issue, and I guess I can easily add it in later down the road have it become a real issue.

Number of plants- If you can give them a good training so they can have multiple tops i say yes you can go with four, look out for LST, Topping, Supercropping...Lolipopping for after the flowering your reading about training.

Almost all of which you responded here just shows how much more I have to learn, because I'm not quite sure yet how "topping", "lollipopping" an such work. Well I better get too reading! Off too check out your journal, and once again thanks for the warm welcome!
full cycle lights cover both the mostly blue VEG/ and the heavy RED for flower.
they have proven to produce equal too or better quality.
the sponsors page of this site[basically were i live] has shit tons of ideas and such :p
-ITEM ~WATTS[usage] =COST ;COVERAGE{x.5=core}
dorm grow
- 900 ~620w =1010$ ;24sq ft
- 600 ~400w =790$ ;18sq ft
- 450 ~320w =610$ ;12sq ft
- 240 ~140w =320$ ;6sq ft
- 90 ~90w =140$ ;4sq ft
- 12 ~12w =55$ ;spot
genisis129 <build your own> ???$
- 90 ~90w =160$ ;4sq ft
- 100 ~100w =150$ ;4sq ft
- 180 ~180w =240$ ;6sq ft
- 240 ~240w =290$ ;6sq ft
- 300 ~300w =470$ ;12sq ft
- 500 ~500w =550$ ;6sq ft
advanced led
- 150 ~130w =550$ ;5sq ft
- 350 ~330w =1000$ ;8sq ft
- 100 ~100w =300$ ;4sq ft
- 200 ~185w =545$ ;5sq ft
- 300 ~274w =800$ ;6sq ft
- 400 ~368w =1000$ ;10sq ft
- 600 ~557w =1400$ ;12sq ft
- 800 ~758w =2000$ ;16sq ft

quality seeds would help, but say buying 2 quick experiment auto flowering types + non auto
much more potent kind to start at same time will allow you to move things along quicker.
Any indica strains recommened?

No problem , man :) im here to help because if i was a first timer i would like some help too :winkyface:

I dont want to tell you strains all day haha i know a lot of them so i will only tell the best (In my experience)

-Papaya (Nirvana Seeds)
-Aurora Indica (Nirvana Seeds) (This one is very strong,amazing smell and easy to grow)-
-Critical + (Dinafem)
-Skunk Nº1 (Sensi Seeds) (I really like the Indica dominant pheno on this one)
-Any strain with Ak-47
-White Rhino
-Bubblelicious (Nirvana Seeds)

I know more but this ones are very good in my opinion :)
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