Grower Consultant?

A new career opportunity? Actually exactly what I was doing on Sun. morning. Friends only though so doesn't pay very well. lol With such a spread out community sure would be some world class traveling. Makes good sense though, we just had a health and security consultant fly half way across the country to check us out before applying for a Health Canada grow permit.
There are genuine Marijuana consultants out there, and they aren't cheap, so assuming money not the issue do a google serach for one on your area..
Am sure the knowledge you need is about, so if time not an issue, perhaps you can learn what you need.?!
Good luck however you proceed FlatRats
Does anyone know of a person or people that provide consultation services to growers? For instance, this person would visit a farm, review the crop, analyze issues and provide suggestions to improve the grow system, what nutrients would be best or better, a cure for any disease, etc.

Hi Flats Rat,

I know some good consultant who can help get you growing your own plant. Just let me know.

Thank you.
This guy does consultations but not face to face. I listen to his show a lot, he seems to know his stuff.
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