New Guy's Godberry, BigBudXXL & A Kripple Makes A Triple


Well-Known Member
Hello world.

Have already stopped by the intro thread and have shown off what’s happening (see here) in my grow space, which I’m still organising and tweaking to become a perpetual grow space.

But since I have just received some brand new seeds from DCS, I will be documenting those new girls from start to finish.

OK, guess to start at beginning, and give additional info as needed or requested:

As with most of us I’d imagine, choosing to grow some of nature’s finest is about navigating restraints. Budget restraints, space restraints, family, holiday or pet related, it’s all about balancing what can and can’t be achieved. I knew what space I had and the budget was pretty minimal, but a couple months down the line and a couple of lucky breaks have got me what I’ve needed to begin to establish my grow space.

My two grow spaces are:

Grow space 1

= Converted cupboard space about 3ft square by 2 metres tall

Vented shelves for air circulation

WBW wall covering

Upright oscillating fan

A single 600w (true 300w) LED

Natural venting with no filters

RH Balance pack

Enough for 5 vegging plants

Grow space 2

= PG120 Grow tent (120*120*200)

16” oscillating fan,

Two LED Units: both 1000w (true 325w) LED’s (blurples)

Carbon filter venting through 5” ducting.

RH Balance pack

CO2 pack

Enough space for 8 (squeeze)


Have done lots of research and decided to use a soil mix and after some kerfuffle moving 50L bags of (expensive) dirt, I opted for checking information and finding that local supermarket supplied the same thing (barr name & price), complete with same standard make up (worm castings, Nitrogen levels etc ).

So a visit to Wilkos provided me with composted fertilizer and separate bags of Pearlite and Vermiculite: which when mixed together (use a mask folks, pumice not good for the lungs), provide good aeration, drainage and water retention as well as ‘low level’ food for up to 5 weeks, allowing supplemental feeding as and when I feel its required and giving me maximum nutrient control as the veg cycle winds down prior to the bloom phase. Like the idea of dry amendments being used, however am still researching that methodology atm.

So, my ‘simpler’ soil mix ratios for this grow will be 40% soil, 30% Pearlite and 30% Vermiculite.


As my first purchase I’m sure some people will disagree, but when shopping for seeds I was very quickly turned on to all the ‘special offers’, ‘Point systems’ & ‘Free Seed’ options which did kind of get in the way of what I was trying to do, namely select some specific seeds!

Having recently tried Godberry (GB) for the first time, I was smitten: Loved the flavour town she took me too and the high was clean as a whistle. So, on a mission to find GB I was disappointed to see it discontinued all over ‘town’, but found it while perusing DCS or DiscountCannabisSeeds.

Their website wasn’t about brash colour call outs and super ‘dank’ imagery, their site was easy to navigate and clear – that simple.

Noticed the contact info (I do this with EVERY online purchase for when shit goes wrong) and called to check stock levels, Johnny answered and confirmed they had it on their list. Perfect. Turns out they act as a seedbank wholesaler offering the seeds from all the usual suspects and (once I checked) usually a little cheaper too!

I Opted for the following feminized seeds (from DCS) because as a new grower I want one less worry (idea of miss sexing gnaws at me.):

1. Feminized Godberry sourced from Freedom Of Seeds
From the web: "Godberry is a more forgiving and potent indica-dominant hybrid strain that provides strong pain relief effects making it ideal for newbies".
Firstly the GB was simply a personal choice but looking at the data sheet, the Gods of ‘expected yields’ and ‘THC levels’ were kind to me. My wife loved this strain because it helped her function (arthritis) so felt between her usage and my enjoyment of its taste and character, it was a clear choice to be my first seed purchase.

2. Feminized Kripple Shock sourced from Dr Krippling
From the web: "Kripple Shock is a complete package, incredible power, massive yields, distinct chocolate/caramel flavour & Indica-dominant pleasure".
Kripple shock was chosen next, mostly because I hadn’t heard of it before, and getting info from a few places, it appears to be a heavyweight in power and yields, so why not!

3. Feminized BigBudXXL from Ministry of Cannabis
From the web: "This plant is almost a pure Indica strain with a happy effect with big yields".
While the added offer of freebie allowed me to choose Bug Bud XXL (from about ten strain choices!), I selected this one for no other reason than yield and speed.

Just wanted to mention DCS (DiscountCannibisSeeds) because of the damn fine service of Johnny and the proof is in the pudding (at the time of writing this all three are born): What more do you want!?
Fine, cheap and they put this newbie’s mind at ease! Johnny, if I ever meet you I owe YOU a pint.

I digress.
Seeds arrived in their respective seed bank packs in short order via tracking mail.

GB Medium size seed KS Small Seed BBXXL Large seed

Decided on Monday 17th (last Monday) to get the ball rolling using the paper towel method, seeds placed in towels doubled up and covered over with PH tested ( kept to 6 to 6.8 range) tap water that has been left exposed to air for 24 hours to allow dissipation of the chlorine that is present in our UK tap water. My understanding is it can have a negative effect on root systems, so why start them off with problems!

NO PIC - I hadn’t found this place till later this week so didn’t know I’d be needing more data but you’ve all seen paper towels right? Imagine I have a 3 names written and seeds are enveloped in a little ceramic dish.

Left them sitting in an area which was consistently 22 degrees and out of direct sunlight to make sure they didn’t dry out too quickly.

Topped them off a little with the CL free water only when paper towels where drying (twice a day appeared to be enough) to ensure their continued awakening.

Wednesday was the birthday of KS, he was the first to crack followed on the Thursday by GB.

Sure enough on Friday morning (yesterday) BBXXL cracked so all three tap roots were looking to stretch out.
Friday lunchtime, after a little LST on my other plants, I decided to put them right into soil, so using those degradable seedling pots, I've prepped my soil mix as above, and used tweezers to gently place the seed about 3/4 inch below the surface. Aadditionally I have added a root nutrient called Forulex recommended to me, it is providing all the required minerals and other stuff (zinc, calcium, copper etc etc) for seedlings to get the ball rolling on its development.


Then placed approximately 30 inches away from LED in Grow space 2
(boring bit)

Ok for reference, anyone reading this may not have checked me out but I need to mention I am new to this. I started growing 6 weeks ago. And then decided 4 weeks ago to set up as a perpetual grow (of sorts) looking for a harvest every 4 weeks or so.

Had already spent last 6 moths doing a WHOLE lot of research, listened to a whole lot of opinions, read a whole lot of theories on every part/section/phase of the plants lifecycle and beyond, seen a whole lot of stoners getting off their tits on youtube and been sucked in by whole lot of marketing bollocks.

So while my plan for setting up my growing space was organically changing, my goal hasn’t, “I want to be self-reliant for what is in my life: medicine”. And for that, it meant not relying on others in order to get the fruits we all desire. So I needed to heed advice, to take care and pay attention to ensure the pitfalls are navigated and the hurdles are minimized within the confines of my decisions for my lifestyle: This had to be a serious ‘hobby’.

Leads me nicely to 6 weeks ago, having what I’m led to believe are 3 amnesia seeds and 1 ak47 , I start them off in the paper towels, all good, flash forward 2 weeks and I found a bag of old seeds, that are at least 2 years old, and decided to see if any of them would crack, my little lapse in how damn resilient this plant can be meant that 4 days later 21 out of 23 seeds all had cracked and pointing their wiggly little root at me.

Extremely long story short,
I have Grow 1: with my original 4 seeds (presumed to be 3 x Amnesia 1 x AK47 - Green pots).

Grow 2: consisting of the finest seven (5 here 2 in Grow 1) of the 21 surviving and unknown strains . Since my original 4 are vegging, I am squeezing all plants into the two grow spaces atm.

And Grow 3: with my newly born (Friday 21st) girls as you can see have entered the cycle.

BTW anyone who can see I am going to have issues when bloom time comes is not wrong, but moving forward in 3’s (as opposed to 23’s) I will ensure that I grow to the space.

Update #1:
Now since today is the first entry I am providing the following as the first update:
Saturday 22nd, 30 hours after going into soil, they are up and away.


I am so chuffed...

So that's us all up to date on my first grow journal.

Sorry I’ve gone on here, but the bulk of understanding is done, so thank you for dropping in (Damn, you made it this far!) - think that’s all for now but any comments, feedback always welcome and I’ll provide updates as and when something of note happens.

Oh and apologies for blurple pics, will minimize where practical for all future posts

Cheers for now

So far,so good,sounds like a good plan you've got there!
That is a LOT of plants (and they all look good)
Thanks Carcass, Yeah but you know what they say about plans...
And yes, pleased about the condition and health of all plants to date (with a small concern for Jesus the AK). But damn those little ones crept up fast, Uunderground to half inch above overnight is more than i expected...

Still a ways to go just yet..

Thanks for support folks.

Quick update:
Seeds are sitting pretty and 1 inch above soil.
Also, from the four main plants in my bloom tent, 1 is a very clear champ, and while its in veg mode, i have decided to take a cutting and see how it holds up as a clone.
More of a practice run really but since i have 3 seedlings, I feel 4 will be better for the space.
Choice branch selected from lower down (understand if not yet sexed, then upper branches are better), but (named Prince Albert) is all woman. 45 degree cut, minor vert cuts to base (condition can speed up root generation) and then straight into water to avoid an air pocket. Applied rooting hormone and sunk into my soil mix within a 4 inch degradable pot. Foliar spray and soil soak with baby root nutrients, cut a few leaves and covered in a seed clear incubater.
Currently sitting in a corner with low light getting through.
Pics to follow.
Grow 3 has 3 seeds and clone of my best performing Amnesia.
As promised:
The three little ones


And the new member of Grow 3

Cheers folks

Next update in some days..
Happy to have you along Mastrmasn, the more the merrier.
Btw i went with "Sticky Slipper" for your cross, only cause I laughed at the thought of people asking for it by name.... ;) But seriously, well done, obviously a labour of love for you and cheers for stopping by,
Quick hit n run today folk, had a lot of LST to tend to for my Amnesia, AK47 & topping the unknowns. First four are a few days away from flipping them, so trying get them prepared to the best of my new found abilities.


We are on day 5 in the pots for the babies and day 2 for the clone.
Keeping them all on the outskirts of the LED's reach in a germination box, keeping soil moist with a mild nutrient for seedlings.
KS is smallest despite cracking first
GB is a little bigger and despite the last to crack the BBXXL is now in front.

Additionally, with the clone, I decided to cut another set of leaves from it, as I didnt want it trying any photosynthesis shenanigans while trying to get roots sorted out.
Guessing it will stay in the pot for a weekish being misted a couple/few times a day, then i'll remove the bottom of pot and wait for roots if it hasnt kealed over by then.
Probably transfer the seedlings over to larger pots this coming weekend, though space is a little short so maybe middling pot for now.

Until the next one, thanks for swinging by and please keep me right if i'm doing it wrong.
Well by day six I realise a daily update probably wont be forthcoming just yet.
Since they have streched about a half inch each (although KS is lagging by as much!)


So next update will be moving day for these ladys probably in a few days.

Am debating the benifits to adding some coco coir to the soil mix.
Ive already mixed pearlite and vermiculite into the spaghum peat...

Thoughts? :hmmmm:

So unless I get a surprising stretch, see you in a few days
Well a little update before the main event, am moving ththe r little girls into larger pots today.
Have just acquired some coco coir blocks (dirt cheap..:popcorn:....Eh!) So maybe give this some space in the soil mix, will incorperate 10 liters of it, see how roots get on. And if they go like gangbusters, i may grab a bumch for stock.
Will post pics later....
Have a good day!
Cheers @higherthehigh
(Bottom link in your sig broke, really interested how that 3kg(?) grow went!!)
Update time folks.
The seeds are still moving up and a smidge over three inches tall in a week
Feeding only light nutrients (formulex) its pleasing to see them stretch with such potential.
My clone taken from Prince Albert (My intro for deets), is also still going which, frankly, has suprised the heck outta me. As a novice,I took it from my best performing Amnesia, but given the mixed info about cloning, I didnt really expect to be doing it anytime soon so wasnt really prepared: however, the leaves are misted 3/4 times a day and it's still firm, lush green and upright.

As little was happening with the baby girls, ive busied myself with my other grows, flipping one to flower and maintenance of Grow 2 but yesterday i checked the pots of the babies and found a root just reaching the bottom of the peat pots I had placed the seeds.


Small for sure but 8 full days in the pot is enough for them to reach the edges of their current universe.
Time to repot.
Have introduced coco into my soil mix so, because its a generally a messy job, I've decided to do the clone at the same time; despite the risk. Although i wont be going anywhere near its root zone.

Although only half way through my first grow, i'm spending more time analysing my choices for each and every stage of my caretakership, what works, what doesnt, how each success/failure will be used to enhance future grows.

Soil mixed and bases prepped, usual mix diluted down with the addition of coco in place of half of my pearlite/vermiculite.



Needing to buy some new pots though, am trying to locate fabric pots locally but not having success, eb/az itll have to be.

Have put a 1/4 solution of Biobiz grow through the newly mixed soil, but have fed sprouts the Formulex, which ill wind down mid week and use 50% recommend nutes and build up 10% a day.

Clone moved into a 'not forever' home too.

My assumption for the clone is to use
Biobiz grow nutes as its a 'mature' seedling.
Please tell me if thats not right...!

All happily sitting in a drainage box.

Sunday afternoon calling...


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Hello world.

Have already stopped by the intro thread and have shown off what’s happening (see here) in my grow space, which I’m still organising and tweaking to become a perpetual grow space ...

Hey @WankirA ... I just read through your journal and you have a nice lineup of strains. My interest is with Gods Berry because I haven't heard of it before.

You mentioned your good experience with "DiscountCannabisSeeds" ... so maybe you could share that with us in the following thread when you get a chance ... True North Seed Bank Online Order.

I noticed you started with 40% soil, 30% vermiculite, 30% perlite ... then you added coco. This is very interesting ... lots of drainage and aeration with some water retention from the vermiculite. I'm assuming it's organic soil and not a soilless potting mix because you mention worm castings.

I just heard of Biobizz last week ... my garden center just started carrying it. I've heard it is organic so I plan to use those nutes with the FF Ocean Forest soil in future grows.

Your last clone looks great! For fun, I am going to try to clone the toppings off my Bakerstreets today.

I'm curious ... are you pHing your feeds at 6.5? And did you get the full lineup of Biobizz?
ey @SQl2kGuy , cheers for taking the time to write.

Out of all my line up, the Godberry (a God X Blueberry hybrid) is my most anticipated one. Managed to get some a couple weeks ago and it was pure bliss: worked a treat on unlocking the wifes joInts (arthritis) and the flavour/smell profile was superb. Being honest, Ihave smoked alot of strains over the 25 years (possibly triple figs) ive taken herb, but only two or three strains impressed me as much, so am very much looking forward to that one myself!
l certainly look over it, although I got my collar felt for mentioning dcs in a thread on Saturday - someone asked for a strain they couldn't track doand I checked dcs who had it so I told OP, BUT I then got a warning email thIs morning from 420m's 'Big Ted' cause it upsets sponsors. I mean, I get it but thats pretty crappy behaviour when im just trying to help someone find what they wanted.
Although I did note how helpful dcs was (complete with links to the seeds) up there somewhere.

On the soil, have heard of the Fox Farm but not sure its as readily available here in uk. Yeah i am not sure I'm 100% on the coco either but figure I'll try it to see how the new girls do versus my old mixture; btw my soil is a spaghum peat moss which had organic extras worm castings, seaweed, guano etc but no long slow feeds though, didn't want the soil controling nutrient uptake when flowering time came. So trying the new mix with Godberry, the Bigbud & the Krippleshock as well as the clone. Will see if its any good or I keep looking for a suitable alternative, however I like the idea of adding dry amendments to the soil mix when done to reuse. This also sits nicely with the biobiz range because they are organic too. Currently only using the grow(fish) and bloom. Do know they do others in the range but want to keep first couple grows a little simpler. I have an idea for yield totals i want, but given this is my first grow, and the second grow was born out of stupidity (check my intro ) am just going to be happy to get my girls to the finish line with a few smokes for the time n effort.
Once the three grows I have at the moment are completed, am going to be a little more conservative about plant numbers and reduce to 3 in any given grow area for total of 9 (have 15 at the moment)

Will need to do a lot more homework on soils, nutrient types (and even looking over dwc at the mo too. So no plans to slow down the tuition just manage my space more effectively: which means my next grow in 4 weeks I'll have Northern Lights auto, another Godberry (that may well be clones) and a third strain chosen for no other reason than trying to mainline it, thinking a gelato strain?!?

Oh and am ph'ing before and checking runoff and attempting to keep it in the 6 range (6.2 - 6.8) after seeing the nutrient uptake at specific ph values, i'd just wasting my time if i dont hit that magic range.

Cheers again SQL
Ahh so cool! Very jealous of the space you have, can't wait to move out from watchful eyes and have small perpetual grow room in a few months.

Definitely right about having to take it as a serious hobby as there's so much to learn. Quality flower let alone genuine strains aren't the easiest to find in the UK and when being used as medication, it can get quite frustrating so I feel you.

Does your perlite turn a bit yellow? Unsure if its the contact with water, oxidation or I simply bought crappy quality...
Quick update folks,

AInt they p'urdy..!?
BBXXL from the late starter, its now the lead seed at a skInny 4 inches with super big leaves compared to the other two.

KS looking every bit 'Gooby' as her name.

GB the one I'm excited about showing a slightly odd shape to her leaves

Growing at what i suspect is slower pace due in part from transplant (gotta stop comparing with others :nervous-guy:
so not too sure about the coco yet either, but will complete the grow with a similar mix as they are in now but looking through potential additives , organics of course not looking to supercharge them but always wanna good start. i will transplant to 10g fab pots in a week or so. In the mean time more research on blood, bone and guano.

Due to continued space issues they are out enjoying a little sun that's currently shining over Devon, with the (grow 2) unknown strain sisters from the tent. (More of them and the other 7 unknowns here)

While the tent is still filling out after a measured defoliation for Grow 1
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