Growing Question's Please Help


New Member
Can some1 grow any kind of Marijuana Outdoors if the Weather is Right &
How long does it take for a Plant to grow be4 it can be Produced??:grinjoint::bong:
Re: Growing Q's

Yep, takes anywhere from 4-6 months.

Seriously that LONG :( OMG,why does it take that much time??
Re: Growing Q's

They can grow 11 feet tall and yield pounds per plant :)

So any plant can grow Pounds if grown Right I take it??
And doesn't the Price of Marijuana Drop if grown
Outdoors Compared to Indoors??
Or does it matter how it's Grown??
Re: Growing Q's

I don't think it matters where it was grown, it's the end result that counts.

Ok :bong: Where does the term Mids & DirtWeed come in2 place than??
Re: Growing Question's>>Please Help

Poorly grown, packed and distributed Cannabis for general consumption. Dirt weed may be pretty good until it gets packed wrong, shipped wrong and redistributed poorly. These are just slang words for commercial stuff, made for mass marketing :)
Re: Growing Question's>>Please Help

Poorly grown, packed and distributed Cannabis for general consumption. Dirt weed may be pretty good until it gets packed wrong, shipped wrong and redistributed poorly. These are just slang words for commercial stuff, made for mass marketing :)

Ah I see So what makes Quality Marijuana??
And is there any Special way it has to be
grown im not worried about Pigs much
cuz I live on 27 acres..but there has
ben alot of Huge 2,000+ plant busts
where im planting tho :(
Re: Growing Question's>>Please Help

It's all in the grow and care of the plants after harvest.

Most of the time with outdoor, the real concerns are pests and animals, and flying LEO trying to make you another example of the drug war :)

True,and During the Summer there are always Helicopters flying over the Property..And there are alot of Deer,Rabits,Moles & other Pests that are
everywhere..Does Coyote or Panther Urine work on all Animals or just some?
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