Growing space 10' x 10'


New Member
Hi fellow melow growers.:cheer:

I am setting up as mentioned above and thinkin of throwing up 10 LED panels @ 300 Watts a piece.
Will be working on 5 gallon airpots or fabric and am thinking of putting 30 chickas in there all uniformly manifolded and mainlined.

I aint Rockerfeller so I cannot yet install a climate control and I know where Im growing...its gonna be fffing hot indoors but hey I cant grow outside because in Europe laws are...different.
So I need a hand in keeping up humidity levels for the first couple of weeks.

I have already ordered ladybugs and their larve, got the neem oil and am going to grow organic in a mix of soil, cocos and perlite.
The soil I'm getting from a farmer.

I am kind to this planet so everything is biological and I do not give my plants anabolics.

To any experienced growers out deh, do you have any tips please?

These are some waiting produce


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