My grow space


New Member
I am a new grower (pretty obvious with all my newb questions) I have a 4x2 foot closet currently divided in 3 sections about 3 foot tall. I am thinking I am going to have to make that 2 one 3 and one 5. I have 2 180W LED lights, one is a full spectrum and one all blue. What is everyone's opinion on how much light I have? I am afraid to go over 360 watts for fear of attracting "attention" I have a 4 inch exhaust fan, its a duct booster keeps temps around 85, my humidity is about 25% I added a humidifier today and we will see what happens. Any input is welcome. Thanks to PrariePoet and others for their answers in my other threads.
So any opinions out there on 360 watts of LED light? Will I get decent results with my 2x4 foot grow area? 180 in each area all blue for veg and full spectrum (11 wavelengths) for flower.

LED's are still pretty new and there aren't THAT many people using them yet. The ones that are have probably not seen this thread yet so a little patience might be good.

My opinion isn't worth much as I don't use LED's but you'd probably do well with some supplemental CFL's in addition to what you have. At least I know that couldn't hurt depending on your ability to maintain temps in your space.

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.

Thanks very much for your replies. I wasnt trying to be inpatient, but wanted to bump my thread a bit. Everyone here has been very helpful.

@PetFlora, my temps are about 82-87 ( measured at the plant not room temp) with the lights about 12" up, should I move them closer? Do people measure the room air temp or the temp at the plant?
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