Hello everyone! Glad to be aboard


420 Member
Just a middle aged mid-west gal here, too paranoid to grow atm -the kids are still in their teens. Recreational smoker. Cash crunched, I'm sure many here know what that's about. Been lurking, studying for a couple of mouth watering weeks.

I stumbled upon this site after I came across an article stating the many benefits of mj use, and it fired me up that there is so much resistance to legalization, especially for those people with painful and debilitating issues (mostly caused by big pharma 'therapies' and 'medications'). For the past couple of years I've been learning about the role that nutrition plays in general well-being, and how it seems that EVERYthing ever promoted on this subject is simply a complete falsehood.

My heart goes out to all that are suffering due to establishment policies, and my hope is that more doctors will see the fallacies of running their practices as a business first, quantity rather than quality type of operation. Chances are slim indeed; however, thanks to the fact that much information is readily available, the hope is that more and more people will begin to seek alternative treatments for relief of their symptoms.

I fully support the work by 420 Magazine, even if only in spirit at the moment. Maybe I can be like that butterfly whose little wings flapping reverberates and spreads. I'd like to try, anyway!

Peace out :peace:
E Komo Mai :welcome:
Great to have you here in the 420 community.
Aloha... from Hawaii :ganjamon:
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