Hello from San Diego


New Member
Hey everyone -
I'm a legal user, and after 38 years of not being a legal user, it's nice. I'm about to begin a serious legal grow room, but I'm a first time grower. There's a ton of research out there, and even more opinions. I'm hoping to find the right info to help me make fewer mistakes.
Thanks much - yeah, I've read a ton. Too many differing opinions make it difficult to decide who's right. Now I'm really trying to determine whether I should invest in LED. That would triple my start-up costs, but if the benefits outweigh the costs, then I'll do it. The hard part is getting the truth, not a sales pitch or an semi-uninformed opinion. This is serious business, and yet there's no reliable scientific data done by an independent agency, like there is for so many other things.

What's your opinion in LED lights?

I'm looking at the HydroGrow LED 205W Penetrator for $700. I would need 4 of these to grow about 36 plants from what I can gather. $3000 after tax for lights alone. Wow.
Overpriced not everything they claim is what I've been reading. I would go with MH/HS 1000 watts can't go wrong but thats just one fools opinion.:bong:
Thanks. The benefits are hard to ignore . . . no heat to vent out or burn my house down, no huge power draw - so no electrical hassles or giant bills. Damn - I sure want them to work, but none of this matters if I have a bad yield or bad buds - or both! Then I have $3k worth of lights and a crummy crop!
Thanks. The benefits are hard to ignore . . . no heat to vent out or burn my house down, no huge power draw - so no electrical hassles or giant bills. Damn - I sure want them to work, but none of this matters if I have a bad yield or bad buds - or both! Then I have $3k worth of lights and a crummy crop!

Sometimes the best and newest isn't just the right solution.

Tried and True in this case is probably your surest way to success!

Thanks everyone -

I'm amazed at the amount of info about Hydro Grow LED on this site.

I guess I have to take the plunge. Just too good to ignore. Now the problem becomes do I spend $2800.00 for 4 of the 205W lights, or do I blow a whopping $4400 on 4 of the big ones ($1100 each) to cover the same area??? They claim that these new ones compare directly against 1000W HID's.
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