Hello - Introducing myself!


New Member

I'm perihelion :joint: My name is an astronomical term that refers to when an astrological body is at the point closest to the sun while on its orbit path. :riskybusiness: I've grown a few micro stealth grows before, aiming for quality smoke and sustainable yields :lot-o-toke: Apart from that I have a passion for plants and indoor growing in general. I'd like to apply some of the mj growing things I learn here to grow orchids and Japanese bonsai as well sometime. I'm obsessed with keeping things looking neat and orderly. I love those artist renderings of futuristic indoor hydro farms in space. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this and happy bong rips to all :bongrip:
Welcome to :420:. Best of the best are in these forums. Please share any ideals and sit in on some grow journals.
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