Help - Are these done? Time to harvest?


New Member
Am I just expecting too much yield? I don't want to let these over grow.... I'm thinking the plants that have 90% of the white hairs that have turned orange/red/brown.... The plant should be ready..... I was just expecting them to explode and bud bigger..... I flushed them yesterday, I'll flush them tomorrow and start to harvest most of them maybe a day or 2 after that? Any suggestions? I'll try and post more pictures after I put the girls to bed tonight... Soon
I was maybe expecting these plants to explode more bigger buds and a better yield. I think these girls are done.... I flushed them yesterday (first time in awhile) and maybe I'll flush them again tomorrow and harvest the following day? I just don't want to over grow, or let them go bad.. Suggestions?
I wouldn't expect a bigger yield at this point. But they may ripen up a little and get more sticky. I tend to grow long and harvest late though, and probably most people will agree with you that these are pretty much ready to harvest.
It's hard to tell in the photos but it almost looks to me like there's a little decay starting on some of them- those light brown patches on a couple plants-on the top bud of the middle picture -what is that? If it's rot then best to harvest over the next few days for sure because it tends to spread.
If not- you could harvest some and leave some longer- you'll learn lots about how they change, and how the quality of the smoke changes as well.
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