Help me diagnose


New Member
Second generation clones. Had no troubles in the past.

clones started in a hydro-mix to get nice root growth. Have been potted for a week and were shooting up and looking really nice. 3 days ago I noticed thrips, so gave a gentle wipe with an watered down insecticide I use (never been any issues in the past with using it on clones or plants).

Noticed leaves starting to brown over the last 2 days and curling under. Thought it could possibly be over watering.


Grow room temp is 23 degrees Celsius
Humidity at 60%
CFL Grow with a 18-6 cycle.

Is this a PH burn in the leaves? Any advice would be grateful.

They seem to have bounced back a little with the new growth coming through. Putting it down to the stress of being re-potted and treating for thrips a bit to close together. Issue now is, the thrips have moved over to my seedlings. Need to get rid of all the buggers before the do serious damage. Has anyone had experience dealing with thrips on seedlings?


Also what nutes can i give to beef up the buds on my flowering plants at the moment. They're coming into their 4th week and haven't changed much in the last fortnight. A little over watering on my part too has caused the leaves to fold under, have neglected them a little too much as well with feeding.

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