Nutty and his easy fool proof capsules with a bonus of saving alcohol

you will need
2 ounce of bone dried bud grinded
olive oil 2/3 table spoons ( stop coconut burning )
350 ml coconut oil
2 table spoon sunflower lecithin
size00 caps 500+
coffee filters "optional"
French coffee press
alcohol ( ice cold ) 2 litre will do
transfer pipettes 3/5 ml will do ( for filling caps )
Distiller with thermostat
plastic bowls and spoons , or glass bowls

Step 1 Get some !
2 x ounce

step 2 add to coffee press one 3rd at a time then add alcohol 3-1 alcohol/bud stir for 5 mins

stir well push down filter on coffee press, then add to your coffee filter or use straight from the press ( this is what i do as i bud wash ) its filtered plenty and saves hours

each time tip the used bud into another bowl and save , once you have filtered add the lot to the press and use the last of alcohol just to give it a second little wash ( garb every thrichome on there )

melt coconut oil add 3 table spoons of olive oil and two tables spoons of sunflower lecithin


add every thing to the distiller and turn on to 100c

The Alcohol will start to leave the mix and can be reused , you will not save all the alcohol but most will be reusable :)

Once the distiller switches its self off , remove the lid and the lid CABLE and do the oil like you would in a slower cooker/rice cooker ( the rick Simpson way ) or add to another deep pot to release the rest of the alcohol , keep the temps at about 110c for another 35 minutes make sure the oil relaxes and there is no more bubbles , put in a jug let cool then put in fridge over night , then add the jug to a bowl of warm water , let the mix liquify again then fill your capsules ,

Always make sure you are well vented with windows and fans blowing to finish the oil off
Excuse my explaining yes im a dead head lol but who cares its pretty easy to understand this method :cheesygrinsmiley: just dont blow your self up using naked flames , all must be done on flameless heat


Enjoy to the fullest :) :):cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: Just dont steal pigs with the president to munch on

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you will need
2 ounce of bone dried bud grinded
olive oil 2/3 table spoons ( stop coconut burning )
350 ml coconut oil
2 table spoon sunflower lecithin
size00 caps 500+
coffee filters "optional"
French coffee press
alcohol ( ice cold ) 2 litre will do
transfer pipettes 3/5 ml will do ( for filling caps )
Distiller with thermostat
plastic bowls and spoons , or glass bowls

Step 1 Get some !
2 x ounce

step 2 add to coffee press one 3rd at a time then add alcohol 3-1 alcohol/bud stir for 5 mins

stir well push down filter on coffee press, then add to your coffee filter or use straight from the press ( this is what i do as i bud wash ) its filtered plenty and saves hours

each time tip the used bud into another bowl and save , once you have filtered add the lot to the press and use the last of alcohol just to give it a second little wash ( garb every thrichome on there )

melt coconut oil add 3 table spoons of olive oil and two tables spoons of sunflower lecithin


add every thing to the distiller and turn on to 100c

The Alcohol will start to leave the mix and can be reused , you will not save all the alcohol but most will be reusable :)

Once the distiller switches its self off , remove the lid and the lid CABLE and do the oil like you would in a slower cooker/rice cooker ( the rick Simpson way ) or add to another deep pot to release the rest of the alcohol , keep the temps at about 110c for another 35 minutes make sure the oil relaxes and there is no more bubbles , put in a jug let cool then put in fridge over night , then add the jug to a bowl of warm water , let the mix liquify again then fill your capsules ,

Always make sure you are well vented with windows and fans blowing to finish the oil off
first time and now drying woohoo


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there is more than one method , some do a coconut bath at certain temps then strain, you need to decarb the weed first . from thca to thc ...........i just prefer how i do my own can do it blind folded now

We don’t have the lecithin here. We have both oils. Why cant we sock the buds in oil, then strain them, cool in frig, and warm them tomorrow?
you will need
2 ounce of bone dried bud grinded
olive oil 2/3 table spoons ( stop coconut burning )
350 ml coconut oil
2 table spoon sunflower lecithin
size00 caps 500+
coffee filters "optional"
French coffee press
alcohol ( ice cold ) 2 litre will do
transfer pipettes 3/5 ml will do ( for filling caps )
Distiller with thermostat
plastic bowls and spoons , or glass bowls

Step 1 Get some !
2 x ounce

step 2 add to coffee press one 3rd at a time then add alcohol 3-1 alcohol/bud stir for 5 mins

stir well push down filter on coffee press, then add to your coffee filter or use straight from the press ( this is what i do as i bud wash ) its filtered plenty and saves hours

each time tip the used bud into another bowl and save , once you have filtered add the lot to the press and use the last of alcohol just to give it a second little wash ( garb every thrichome on there )

melt coconut oil add 3 table spoons of olive oil and two tables spoons of sunflower lecithin


add every thing to the distiller and turn on to 100c

The Alcohol will start to leave the mix and can be reused , you will not save all the alcohol but most will be reusable :)

Once the distiller switches its self off , remove the lid and the lid CABLE and do the oil like you would in a slower cooker/rice cooker ( the rick Simpson way ) or add to another deep pot to release the rest of the alcohol , keep the temps at about 110c for another 35 minutes make sure the oil relaxes and there is no more bubbles , put in a jug let cool then put in fridge over night , then add the jug to a bowl of warm water , let the mix liquify again then fill your capsules ,

Always make sure you are well vented with windows and fans blowing to finish the oil off
I did a variant of this at the weekend.
I've been doing fresh extraction in the Instant pot and know how difficult it is to strain and filter olive oil.
The strained sludge still has lots of goodies in it as I have been taking frozen sludge( mini ice cube tray) instead of capsules. The problem is the water in the fresh plant material, which means it can't go into capsules.
This time I kept all the sludge and washed it with acetone a couple of times and after filtering, evaporated off the acetone at 60C and then the water at 100C, on my way to a decarb at 110C.

Oils I made previously did not have any effect on a long time stoner friend, so I was looking for a way to concentrate olive or coconut oil.
This method also means you can do it with smaller amounts of weed compared to FECO/RSO.
Curious about your distiller - could you post more about it- a name or pic of it? Thanks
its up the post you can see it in the pic mate , was about £85 made that back on reclaimed alcohol :cheesygrinsmiley: after lock down prices i decided to do this, as long as it has temp control it will work for you
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