help! whats going wrong.


New Member
hey guys.
i sorta have a problem but i dont know if its just me.
no matter what i use pipe, bong, or a joint everytime i hit it, its really harsh.
it burns the back of my throat.
whats going on?
thanks alot
I've heard a lot of people say that, it's probably because smoke just irritates your lungs at first, after a while it wwill stop, happened to me as well, just try keeping a bottle of water with you when you smoke. Take a drink before you take a hit and take one after, that might help until your lungs are better adjusted to being filled with herb.
Drink plenty of water. If your smoking multiple times a day or a lot of weed, consider slowing down. There is a possibilty it might be the weed, especially if its really dry.
Cut back some, but it could just be the weed you're smoking (not properly cured).
use a bong and put ice in the neck or the orb. It makes the smoke cooler, more menthol. Take smaller hits, don't hold them as long. If you have a sore throat that would burn if you smoked.
chuck said:
hey guys.
i sorta have a problem but i dont know if its just me.
no matter what i use pipe, bong, or a joint everytime i hit it, its really harsh.
it burns the back of my throat.
whats going on?
thanks alot

Sounds like taco weed to me.. and cigarettes do KILL.. have you tried vaping?

(There I go again.. vape, vape, vape and quit the cannabis combustion!)
i think i read on the sight that if your bud is too dry it is more harsh, instead of fuckin with your smoke method try puttin some lettuce or orange peel in with the stash to moisten that up, it will take a little to get it to rehydrate but make sure you dont over hydrate as well, other wise it wont stay lit
Your weed was probably flash dried. If you stick buds in the oven for 200 degrees for 20 min. it dries but the quicker it dries the harsher the smoke.
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