Help! Yellowing & curling leaves due to over- fertilization?

Re: HELP! Yellowing & curling leaves due to over- fertilization...?

Hmmm??? What makes anyone think that I am not "chill"?
Seriously dudes et all- sorry if anyone thought I was being short or snappy- that was never my intention. I was merely trying to give all the info clearly and concisely. Forgive me if I came acress in a negative way guys
I have been very grateful to everyones input.... & the only time I could possibly have sounded not chill was when I was merely giving more about info to clarify certain facts- such as the fact that the plants are in the ground & not in pots.
Oh and since I am not a botanist and I honestly am nothing more than an amateur grower I have no idea what affect the boric acid may or may not have on the soil or the plants??? A very small amount was used and I did not see any adverse effects until at least 3 weeks later so I am not convinced that this was the cause of the yellowing and curling leaves. And based on my tests the soil PH was the same (about 6.5) for both the plants treated with Boric acid and those that were not.
So- why the "Duh"?
And what causes anyone to think that I not "chill" and or not grateful for all of your input??? Because I am!
And I am still open to all advice and input!
Please if you know how Boric acid affects soil or plants- do tell.
Re: HELP! Yellowing & curling leaves due to over- fertilization...?

^I didn't have any issues with your post my friend. I think your soil is 'hot', and the wilting is from fert overload, and nute lockout, resulting in the stunting from an induced P in the soil. Borax may have made your soil too alkaline, again causing the same result, but from a different source. It is very important now that you test the ph, and watch your watering. I would spray the plants with a sea tea, and hope the other plants do not succomb as well. Good luck.
Re: HELP! Yellowing & curling leaves due to over- fertilization...?

Ok So it has been some time now and the rain has ran it's course as far as Flushing!!!


Did the plants have any changes or are they are still experiencing the same issues???

Hope to hear they are thriving and doing well...

Re: HELP! Yellowing & curling leaves due to over- fertilization...?

Hold Up!!!

Did I say something wrong??? I was here to help you w/ the issues that you are having @ hand... I have friends that sleep in the woods for 60+ days and bag plants every 12Hrs... You are telling me you can not stop them from receiving water other then natural rain???

Really I know you can be a little more intuitive then that!!!

So my question for you is how bad do you want it!!! Good Hardy healthy Dank ass weed!!!

Yeah sure a Plant can grow with out nutes they develope like shit!!!

You get what you put into it...

I will help anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort and sometimes I need help!!! Now if you are going to let nature just run it's course that's fine you may get lucky or you may not... As far as the nutes and defieciency's go that can be an issue w/ the rain water... Maybe to much or not enough of something...

I'm here to help you now if you would like help it is not to late @ all there is still a good amount of time left in this Gorrila season to get it under control...

So if you want the help Holla back and if you want nature to run it's course Good Luck!!!

Either way I wish you the best of luck

i saw you are willing to help and i need it.i urinated on 2strawberry kush plants directly and they are burned and curling.i flushed 1once and flushed another twice.its been 2 days and the burning has slowed and but has not stopped.I'm a beginner and i use only pro mix hp and floranova. am i going to lose three two?.I'm also wondering if you have any tips for an inexperienced indoor grower?
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