Hemp Oil Good For What Ails Ya, Good For North Carolina


It truly pains my heart to see so many advertisements for medications which "lower the cholesterol," that "build your good cholesterol," that "fight inflammation" and then to hear of the deaths, strokes and heart attacks associated with these medicines.

Natural hemp oil lowers bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol, is full of protein, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, has omega 3, 6 and 9, essential oil in the exact ratio needed for humans.

Hemp oil moistens your entire body from the inside out. Your skin is soft and moist and your digestive system is well lubricated, which helps us have a healthy colon.

Hemp oil is far superior to soy, as even in the case of organically grown soy, to get the isolates, a petrochemical is necessary. Hemp oil is cold-pressed oil and is all natural.

Hemp oil is no longer under the scrutiny of our government and is available in health and organic food stores nationwide.

Let's educate our citizens to the healthy benefits of natural hemp and someday maybe North Carolina farmers can again grow this amazing versatile crop.

Jean Marlowe

Mill Spring

Source: Asheville Citizen-Times (NC)
Copyright: 2005 Asheville Citizen-Times
Contact: letters@citizen-times.com
Website: The Citizen-Times, Asheville
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