Hermaphrodite? Most likely, I need feedback


Active Member

I am a first time grower and I have about 10 cannabis plants growing, most in flowering stage. My first two plants just started budding, followed by what looks like seed pods. Now I def think that they are both Hermie, I just want a second opinion from people who actually have experience.

That is a male. Note the lack of pistils that would be evident in a hermie
Pistils are the white sticky hair that you see on female plants
I'd say it is more likely than not. That dos NOT mean destroy the rest of your grow. You just might end up with some seeds in your smoke. I doubt it would be a heavy pollination at this stage. You buds will be smokeable. Hell before med mj seeds were expected!
Does the plant/s with them pods on even have any bud??? Looks like a full blown male to me, should've took males out?

I've had hermies before and it didn't look nothing like that, still grows bud but with a few male balls here nd there
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