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Hey My name is Papadoc an im from jersey. hope tht this new bill get passed for sum medicinal marijuana to be used!!

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What's the hold up over there in Jersey. I thougt they passed the house and Corzine said he'd sign it. I've lost track, did it get bottled up in the Senate?
So Corzine said he was ready to sign the bill over here but tomorrow June 4, 2009 they are voting on the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act (A804)!!!! This will technically make medicinal marijuana legal.

If your from Jersey iv provided a list of Assemblymen and women that you can call to help them vote YES on this bill....PLEASE HELP OUT!!!

Assembly Health Committee Phone Numbers:

Assemblyman Herb Conaway Jr.: (856) 461-3997

Assemblywoman Connie Wagner: (201) 576-9199

Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini: (732) 974-0400

Assemblyman Anthony Chiappone: (201) 436-0473

Assemblyman Jerry Green: (908) 561-5757

Assemblywoman Linda R. Greenstein: (609) 395-9911

Assemblywoman Sandra Love: (856) 401-3073

Assemblyman Vincent J. Polistina: (609) 677-8266

Assemblywoman Joan M. Quigley: (201) 217-4614

Assemblywoman Linda Stender: (908) 668-1900

Assemblywoman Nancy F. Munoz: (908) 918-0414

Tips on Making a Call:

Most legislators' staff answer their phones during the session and log all of the messages. The call will only take a minute!

Be courteous, positive, and brief.
Identify yourself and mention that you are a New Jersey resident.
Ask to speak with the legislator's Legislative Aide or Chief of Staff if he/she is unavailable.
Ask that the Assembly member vote yes on Assembly Bill 804, the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, during the upcoming voting hearing on Thursday, June 4th.
Leave a message if you are calling after business hours or over the weekend
What to Say:

When the receptionist in Assemblymember's office answers the phone, politely say something like: "My name is [NAME] and I'm a New Jersey resident, may I please speak with Assemblyman/woman [LAST NAME]? If the Assemblymember isn't available (which is most likely the case), politely ask to speak with his/her Legislative Aide or Chief of Staff.
When you get the appropriate person on the phone or when leaving a message (if none of these individuals are available), politely say some like: In February, the New Jersey Senate passed the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act, the Governor said he would sign the bill into law when it reaches his desk, so now it's time for the Assembly to act. I'm calling today to urge Assemblyman/woman [LAST NAME] to vote yes on A804 at the upcoming hearing on June 4th. This important piece of legislation would relieve the suffering of seriously ill people whose symptoms are not alleviated by currently available medications.

Talking Points on Assembly Bill 804, the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act:

Each year thousands of New Jerseyans are diagnosed with cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other life threatening illnesses. The suffering of these patients, many in the final stages of their lives, is devastating for them and their families. For some patients for whom currently available medications are not effective, medical marijuana may provide relief from suffering and improve quality of life. Common sense and compassion compel the conclusion that New Jersey should allow seriously ill patients access to medical marijuana.

Access to medical marijuana would require a recommendation from a doctor and registration with the state health department.
86% of New Jersey voters support allowing access to medical marijuana.
Medical research supports the effectiveness of medical marijuana.
Medical marijuana can alleviate terrible symptoms such as pain, muscle spasms, nausea, loss of appetite, and wasting.
Thirteen states now allow access to medical marijuana.

New Jerseyans believe that if they or a loved one were seriously ill and medical marijuana could relieve their suffering and improve quality of life they should have that option.

I had gotten all this info from a email from NORML NJ.
Help Out Guys And Support the cause!!
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