Hey guys, first time grower, leaves started turning white

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Yes the plant will need nutes added and the op has some stuff. Suggest mixing a weak dose like a little less than 1/2 strength to start with just cuz we’ve never seen that product. You can always up the dose and add more later but it’s hard to undo an overload of ferts. As for me I try to avoid getting into a situation that requires a flush. Sure a flush can be useful at times but the plant is young, since it’s only had nutes one time the soil is not salted up so it’s probably best to get them started on a regular wet dry cycle.

However the soil label makes no mention of our standard required secret sauce which we all know is the calcium & magnesium. So yup its also going to need cal-mag. Maybe not today but the splotchy color on the leaf edges tells me she’s not getting something she needs.

suggest slightly less than 1/2 strength nutes and getting that cal mag purchased or ordered up soon.

also how often do you water? Think it may need to dry out more between waterings
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